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Red-footed Falcon

Red-footed Falcon - Female

» Los Rodeos (La Laguna), Tenerife
Country image taken
» Canary Islands
» May, 2015
» Pentax K-m with zoom Tamron 70-300 mm
Bird Species
»Falco vespertinus - Red-footed Falcon
Bird Species (French)
»Faucon kobez
Bird Family
Bird Status
» Near Threatened
» This falcon is considered a vagrant species to the Canaries, but during May-July 2015 unusually high numbers visited different islands of the archipelago. In the case of Tenerife, at least 40 birds arrived at Los Rodeos-Tenerife Norte airport and its surroundings, and about a half of them died due to collisions with aeroplanes, despite the efforts of the personnel of the airport to avoid this problem. The female in the image was catching insects (mainly Orthoptera) on the ground.

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