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Red-footed Falcon dead

Red-footed Falcon dead - Adult male

» Los Rodeos (La Laguna), Tenerife
Country image taken
» Canary Islands
» May, 2015
» Pentax K-m with Pentax 18-55 mm lens
Bird Species
»Falco vespertinus - Red-footed Falcon
Bird Species (French)
»Faucon kobez
Bird Family
Bird Status
» Near Threatened
» This falcon is considered a vagrant species to the Canaries, but during May-July 2015 unusually high numbers visited different islands of the archipelago. In the case of Tenerife, at least 40 birds arrived to Los Rodeos-Tenerife Norte airport and its surroundings, and about a half of them died due to collision with aeroplanes, despite the efforts of the personnel of the airport to avoid this problem.

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