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Yellow Wagtail -

Yellow Wagtail - "Xanthophrys" (Lutea X Feldegg) - Male

» Solulta
Country image taken
» Ethiopia
» December, 2012
» Canon 1D mk IV + 300/2,8 with 1,4 TC
Bird Species
»Motacilla flava - Western Yellow Wagtail
Bird Species (French)
»Bergeronnette printanière
Bird Status
» Least Concern
» Xanthophrys is a presumed hybrid Lutea X Feldegg. This bird was seen at the exact same place on the Solulta Plains on numerous visits from 3/12-2012 to 1/2-2013 (Not searched for after 1/2). The call was heard several times on most visits. The call was similar to the "harsh type" Lutea call (meaning very similar to Feldegg, but less harsh). On some visits it was possible to almost directly compare the call with the call of both Feldegg and Lutea heard just near this bird. I have more documentation pictures of this bird from different dates including 1/2-2013

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