Central Africa
2,344,858 km² (2nd largest country in Africa and 11th largest in the world)

Strongly Afrotropical avifauna
Approximately 1,160 recorded species (1st longest bird list of any country in the ABC region and 10th longest globally)

Endemics (E)
Congo Peafowl | Congo Peacock (NT)
Prigogine’s Nightjar | Itombwe Nightjar (EN)
Itombwe Owl | Congo Bay Owl (EN)
Yellow-crested Helmetshrike (VU)
Grauer’s Cuckooshrike (LC)
Bedford’s Paradise Flycatcher (LC)
Prigogine’s Greenbul (EN)
Kabobo Apalis (VU)
Chapin’s Babbler | Chapin’s Mountain Babbler (LC)
Prigogine’s Double-collared Sunbird | Prigogine’s Sunbird (NT)
Lufira Masked Weaver | Lake Lufira Masked Weaver (LC)
Yellow-legged Weaver (VU)
Black-lored Waxbill (DD)
Near-endemics (NE)
Eastern Dwarf Hornbill | Eastern Little Hornbill
Sladen’s Barbet
Ituri Batis
Yellow-eyed Bristlebill
Sassi’s Olive Greenbul | Sassi’s Greenbul
Brazza’s Martin
Grey-headed Sunbird
Golden-naped Weaver
Jameson’s Antpecker
Grant’s Bluebill
Birds occurring in only two territories of the ABC region but not NE (1/2), including Albertine Rift endemics (ARE) and Zambezian endemics or near-endemics (Z)
Nahan’s Partridge
Albertine Owlet (ARE)
Grauer’s Broadbill | African Green Broadbill (ARE)
Pale-olive Greenbul
Congo Martin
Bubbling Cisticola
Black-tailed Cisticola | Slender-tailed Cisticola (Z)
Angola White-eye
Oberländer’s Ground Thrush | Forest Ground Thrush
White-headed Robin-Chat
Bocage’s Sunbird (Z)
Rockefeller’s Sunbird (ARE)
Congo Sunbird
Katanga Masked Weaver (Z)
More ARE occurring in the DRC, including endemic subspecies (ESS)
Handsome Spurfowl
Rwenzori Turaco (ESS bredoi)
Dwarf Honeyguide
Rwenzori Batis
Albertine Sooty Boubou | Albertine Boubou
Willard’s Sooty Boubou
Stripe-breasted Tit (ESS kaboboensis)
Neumann’s Warbler
Red-faced Woodland Warbler (ESS schoutedeni)
Grauer’s Warbler
Grauer’s Swamp Warbler
Rwenzori Apalis | Collared Apalis
Mountain Masked Apalis | Black-faced Apalis (ESS marungensis)
Kungwe Apalis
Red-collared Babbler | Red-collared Mountain Babbler
Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher
Red-throated Alethe (ESS kaboboensis)
Archer’s Ground Robin | Archer’s Robin-Chat (ESS kimbutui)
Blue-headed Sunbird (ESS derooi + kaboboensis + marungensis)
Purple-breasted Sunbird
Rwenzori Double-collared Sunbird | Stuhlmann’s Sunbird (ESS chapini)
Regal Sunbird
Strange Weaver
Shelley’s Crimsonwing
Dusky Crimsonwing
More Z occurring in the DRC, including ESS
Whyte’s Francolin | Rufous-throated Francolin
Coppery-tailed Coucal
Slaty Egret
Pale-billed Hornbill
Racket-tailed Roller
Böhm’s Bee-eater
Whyte’s Barbet
Anchieta’s Barbet
Miombo Pied Barbet | Miombo Barbet
Dickinson’s Kestrel
Margaret’s Batis | Boulton’s Batis
Souza’s Shrike
White-tailed Blue Flycatcher
Rufous-bellied Tit
Miombo Tit | Miombo Grey Tit
Angola Lark
Black-and-rufous Swallow
Red-throated Cliff Swallow | Red-throated Swallow
Red-capped Crombec (ESS schoutedeni)
Laura’s Woodland Warbler
Tinkling Cisticola
Luapula Cisticola
Chirping Cisticola
Long-tailed Cisticola | Tabora Cisticola
Dambo Cisticola | Cloud-scraping Cisticola
Miombo Wren-Warbler
Black-necked Eremomela | Black-collared Eremomela
Hartlaub’s Babbler
Sharp-tailed Starling
Kurrichane Thrush
Miombo Scrub Robin
Böhm’s Flycatcher
Bocage’s Akalat
Collared Palm Thrush
Miombo Rock Thrush
Arnot’s Chat | White-headed Black Chat
Anchieta’s Sunbird | Red-and-blue Sunbird
Bannerman’s Sunbird
Western Miombo Sunbird
Shelley’s Sunbird
White-bellied Sunbird | White-breasted Sunbird
Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Weaver
Bocage’s Weaver
Bar-winged Weaver
Red-throated Twinspot | Peters’s Twinspot
Brown Firefinch
Zambezi Indigobird | Green Indigobird
Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah
Fülleborn’s Longclaw
Grimwood’s Longclaw
Black-faced Canary
Reichard’s Seedeater
Black-eared Seedeater
Proposed new species or splits not yet accepted by IOC
Chestnut-breasted Francolin (Z dewittei)
Crawshay’s Francolin (kikuyuensis)
Schuett’s Spurfowl (schuetti)
Cranch’s Spurfowl (cranchii/harterti)
Black-shouldered Nightjar (nigriscapularis)
Rwenzori Nightjar (ARE ruwenzorii)
Black-faced Go-away-bird (leopoldi)
Verreaux’s Turaco (verreauxii)
Eastern Black-billed Turaco (emini)
Western Black-billed Turaco (schuetti)
Barrow’s Bustard (mackenziei)
Neumann’s Coucal (NE neumanni)
White-breasted Cormorant (lucidus)
Red-chested Goshawk (toussenelii/canescens)
Chestnut Owlet (1/2 castaneum)
Ngami Owlet (ngamiense)
Central African Hoopoe (waibeli)
African Hoopoe (africana)
Eastern Piping Hornbill (duboisi)
Grey-headed Barbet (cinereiceps)
Eastern Yellow-spotted Barbet (duchaillui)
Streaky-throated Barbet (angolensis/ansorgii)
Brown-faced Barbet (minor)
White-faced Barbet (Z macclounii)
Thick-billed Honeyguide (conirostris)
Northern Olive Woodpecker (ruwenzori)
Grey-headed Parrot (suahelicus)
West African Pitta (angolensis)
East African Pitta (longipennis)
Albertine Bushshrike (ARE centralis)
Perrin’s Bushshrike (viridis)
Anchieta’s Tchagra (anchietae)
Clancey’s Drongo (apivorus)
Glossy-backed Drongo (lugubris)
Dark-capped Bulbul (tricolor)
Mangbettu Saw-wing (1/2 mangbettorum)
Shari Saw-wing (chalybea)
Petit’s Saw-wing (petiti)
Eastern Saw-wing (reichenowi)
Lendu Crombec | Chapin’s Crombec (E chapini)
African Reed Warbler (cinnamomeus)
Zambian Yellow Warbler (1/2 bensoni)
Lepe Cisticola (1/2 lepe)
Rufous-crowned Cisticola (nuchalis/awemba)
Angola Cisticola (angolensis)
Black-faced Prinia (obscura)
Western Buff-throated Apalis (rufogularis)
Eastern Buff-throated Apalis (nigrescens)
Tawny-breasted Camaroptera (NE kamitugaensis/toroensis)
Salvadori’s Eremomela (salvadorii )
Grey-caped Capuchin Babbler (NE bohndorffi)
Miombo Blue-eared Starling (Z elisabeth)
Lippens’s Ground Thrush (lippensi)
Kivu Ground Thrush (ARE tanganjicae)
Itombwe Flycatcher (E itombwensis)
Rudder’s Forest Robin (E rudderi)
Stuhlmann’s Weaver (stuhlmanni)
Upemba Masked Weaver (E upembae)
Black-fronted Red Bishop (nigrifons)
Red-backed Mannikin (woltersi/nigriceps)
Black-chinned Quailfinch (gabonensis/fuscata/dorsostriata)
Landana Firefinch (landanae)
Ansorge’s Firefinch (ansorgei)
Grey Firefinch (nigricollis)
Jackson’s Pipit (latistriatus)
Three-streaked Bunting (cognominata)
Other taxa of interest (see also under Birding Sites), including ESS
Hartlaub’s Duck
African Pygmy Goose
Black Guineafowl
Plumed Guineafowl (ESS schubotzi)
Western Crested Guineafowl (verreauxi)
Latham’s Francolin (lathami/schubotzi)
Scaly Spurfowl (squamatus)
Brown Nightjar
Rufous-cheeked Nightjar
Bates’s Nightjar
Sabine’s Spinetail
Cassin’s Spinetail
African Palm Swift (brachypterus)
Little Swift (aerobates)
Great Blue Turaco
Ross’s Turaco
Gabon Coucal
Senegal Coucal (senegalensis)
Black Coucal
Blue Malkoha (aereus)
Levaillant’s Cuckoo
Diederik Cuckoo
Klaas’s Cuckoo
Yellow-throated Cuckoo
African Emerald Cuckoo
Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo
Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo
Black Cuckoo (gabonensis)
Red-chested Cuckoo
Afep Pigeon
Western Bronze-naped Pigeon
Red-eyed Dove
Blue-spotted Wood Dove
Tambourine Dove
Blue-headed Wood Dove (brehmeri)
African Green Pigeon (calvus)
African Finfoot (camerunensis/senegalensis)
White-spotted Flufftail (centralis)
Buff-spotted Flufftail (reichenovi)
Grey-throated Rail
Lesser Moorhen
Allen’s Gallinule
Nkulengu Rail
Forbes’s Plover
White-crowned Lapwing
Senegal Lapwing
Brown-chested Lapwing
White-fronted Plover (mechowi)
Rock Pratincole (nuchalis)
Grey Pratincole
Collared Pratincole (fuelleborni)
African Skimmer
Abdim’s Stork
Olive Ibis (cupreipennis)
Spot-breasted Ibis
White-crested Tiger Heron
White-backed Night Heron (natalensis)
African Harrier-Hawk (pectoralis)
Palm-nut Vulture
African Cuckoo-Hawk (batesi)
Congo Serpent Eagle (batesi)
Bat Hawk (anderssoni)
Crowned Eagle
Cassin’s Hawk-Eagle
Long-tailed Hawk
Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk (castanilius/ESS beniensis)
Red-thighed Sparrowhawk (zenkeri)
Black Sparrowhawk (temminckii/melanoleucus)
Red-chested Owlet (medje)
Sjöstedt’s Barred Owlet
Sandy Scops Owl (holerythrus)
Maned Owl
Fraser’s Eagle-Owl (poensis)
Akun Eagle-Owl
Pel’s Fishing Owl
Vermiculated Fishing Owl
African Wood Owl (nuchalis)
Narina Trogon (brachyurum)
Bare-cheeked Trogon
Congo Pied Hornbill
Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill
White-thighed Hornbill
Black-casqued Hornbill
Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill
Blue-throated Roller (neglectus)
Broad-billed Roller (afer/glaucurus)
Chocolate-backed Kingfisher
Blue-breasted Kingfisher (malimbica)
Woodland Kingfisher (fuscopileus)
African Dwarf Kingfisher (lecontei)
African Pygmy Kingfisher (ferrugina)
White-bellied Kingfisher (leopoldi)
Malachite Kingfisher (cristatus)
Shining-blue Kingfisher (guentheri)
Giant Kingfisher (gigantea)
Pied Kingfisher (rudis)
Black-headed Bee-eater
Blue-headed Bee-eater
Black Bee-eater (australis)
Blue-breasted Bee-eater (loringi)
Eastern Yellow-billed Barbet (purpuratus)
Grey-throated Barbet (bonapartei)
Speckled Tinkerbird (flavisquamatus)
Red-rumped Tinkerbird
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird (flavimentum)
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (leucolaimus)
Cassin’s Honeybird (insignis)
Zenker’s Honeyguide
Willcocks’s Honeyguide (willcocksi)
Least Honeyguide (exilis)
Spotted Honeyguide
Lyre-tailed Honeyguide
African Piculet
Buff-spotted Woodpecker (nivosus/herberti)
Brown-eared Woodpecker (caroli)
Little Green Woodpecker (permista)
Yellow-crested Woodpecker
Gabon Woodpecker (gabonensis)
Elliot’s Woodpecker (elliotii)
Grey Parrot
Red-fronted Parrot (gulielmi)
Black-collared Lovebird (zenkeri/emini)
Rufous-sided Broadbill (rufolateralis/budongoensis)
Green-breasted Pitta
Chestnut Wattle-eye
White-spotted Wattle-eye
Sabine’s Puffback (melanoleucus)
Lowland Sooty Boubou
Rufous-bellied Helmetshrike (rufiventris/mentalis)
African Shrike-flycatcher (flammulatus/aequatorialis)
Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher (musicus)
Blue Cuckooshrike
Western Oriole (laetior)
Black-winged Oriole
Velvet-mantled Drongo (coracinus)
Shining Drongo
Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher (nitens)
Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher (mayombe/ignea)
Bates’s Paradise Flycatcher (batesi)
Pied Crow
African Blue Flycatcher (teresita)
Dusky Crested Flycatcher (nigromitrata)
Dusky Tit (funereus)
Forest Penduline Tit (flavifrons)
Western Nicator
Yellow-throated Nicator
Slender-billed Greenbul (gracilirostris)
Golden Greenbul
Red-tailed Bristlebill (syndactylus)
Pale-throated Greenbul (soror)
Spotted Greenbul
Swamp Palm Bulbul
Simple Greenbul
Honeyguide Greenbul (indicator)
Sjöstedt’s Greenbul
Eastern Bearded Greenbul
Red-tailed Greenbul (emini)
White-bearded Greenbul
Little Greenbul (virens)
Yellow-whiskered Greenbul (latirostris)
Plain Greenbul (curvirostris)
Little Grey Greenbul (gracilis)
Ansorge’s Greenbul (ansorgei)
White-throated Greenbul (albigularis)
Xavier’s Greenbul (xavieri)
Icterine Greenbul
Leaf-love (orientalis)
Square-tailed Saw-wing (nitens)
White-bibbed Swallow
Lesser Striped Swallow (unitatis)
Red-breasted Swallow (gordoni)
Mosque Swallow (saturatior)
Yellow Longbill (hypochondriacus)
Grey Longbill
Green Crombec (baraka)
Lemon-bellied Crombec (denti)
Chestnut-capped Flycatcher (mccallii)
Green Hylia (prasina)
Tit Hylia (denti)
Chattering Cisticola
Gosling’s Apalis
Grey-backed Camaroptera (tincta)
Yellow-browed Camaroptera
Olive-green Camaroptera (chloronata)
Rufous-crowned Eremomela (badiceps)
Brown Illadopsis (ugandae)
Scaly-breasted Illadopsis
Violet-backed Hyliota (violacea)
Purple-headed Starling
Splendid Starling (splendidus)
Chestnut-winged Starling (hartlaubii/intermedius)
Narrow-tailed Starling
Fraser’s Rufous Thrush (rubicunda/vulpina)
White-tailed Ant Thrush (praepectoralis)
Red-tailed Ant Thrush (gabunensis)
Grey Ground Thrush (batesi)
Fire-crested Alethe (woosnami)
White-browed Forest Flycatcher (ruthae)
Fraser’s Forest Flycatcher (ocreata)
Grey-throated Tit-Flycatcher
Grey Tit-Flycatcher (plumbea)
Olivaceous Flycatcher
Ashy Flycatcher (brevicauda)
Tessmann’s Flycatcher
Dusky-blue Flycatcher
Sooty Flycatcher (infuscata/miniscula)
Yellow-footed Flycatcher
Little Grey Flycatcher
Cassin’s Flycatcher
Yellow-breasted Forest Robin
Congo Moor Chat
Violet-tailed Sunbird
Little Green Sunbird (minor)
Grey-chinned Sunbird
Collared Sunbird (somereni)
Reichenbach’s Sunbird
Green-headed Sunbird (bohndorffi)
Blue-throated Brown Sunbird (octaviae)
Olive Sunbird (cephaelis)
Green-throated Sunbird (rubescens)
Olive-bellied Sunbird (chloropygius/orphogaster)
Tiny Sunbird
Johanna’s Sunbird (johannae)
Superb Sunbird (superbus)
Bates’s Sunbird
Copper Sunbird (cupreus)
Northern Grey-headed Sparrow (ugandae)
Black-necked Weaver
Orange Weaver
Village Weaver (bohndorffi/ESS frobenii)
Vieillot’s Black Weaver
Yellow-mantled Weaver (interscapularis)
Red-crowned Malimbe
Cassin’s Malimbe
Blue-billed Malimbe
Red-headed Malimbe (rubricollis)
Red-bellied Malimbe (erythrogaster)
Crested Malimbe (crassirostris)
Yellow-crowned Bishop (afer)
Black-winged Red Bishop
Magpie Mannikin
Black-and-white Mannikin (poensis)
Green Twinspot (schlegeli)
Woodhouse’s Antpecker (woodhousei/ansorgei)
White-breasted Nigrita (fusconotus)
Chestnut-breasted Nigrita (brunnescens)
Grey-headed Nigrita (canicapillus)
Pale-fronted Nigrita (luteifrons)
Black-crowned Waxbill (nonnula)
Black-headed Waxbill (atricapilla/avakubi)
Orange-cheeked Waxbill
Western Bluebill (pustulata)
Black-bellied Seedcracker
Pin-tailed Whydah
African Pied Wagtail

National bird
Congo Peafowl | Mbulu (NT)
Lowland forest, montane forest, moist savanna, miombo woodland, gallery forest, grasslands, wetlands
Albertine Rift mountains Endemic Bird Area (EBA)
Eastern Zaïre lowlands EBA
Gabon-Cabinda coast Secondary Area (SA)
Lake Lufira SA
Upemba plains SA
West Zaïre and North Angola forests SA
19 Important Bird Areas
Salonga National Park (NP), Sankuru Nature Reserve (NR), Lomami NP, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, Lomako-Yokokala Wildlife Reserve, Kokolopori Bonobo NR, Lyondji Bonobo Community Reserve and Luo Scientific Reserve for Congo Peafowl, Eastern Dwarf Hornbill, Sladen’s Barbet, Yellow-eyed Bristlebill, Grey-headed Sunbird, Jameson’s Antpecker and Grant’s Bluebill among other lowland forest species, including many other taxa of interest listed above
Ituri Forest (Okapi Wildlife Reserve and Mount Hoyo Integral Reserve), Semliki Valley (Virunga NP), Kisimba-Ikobo Primate NR, Tayna NR, Usala Forest, Maiko NP, Kahuzi-Biéga NP and Itombwe NR for Congo Peafowl, Bedford’s Paradise Flycatcher and Yellow-legged Weaver, Nahan’s Partridge, Ituri Batis, Sassi’s Olive Greenbul, Oberländer’s Ground Thrush and Golden-naped Weaver among other lowland forest species, including near-endemics and other taxa of interest listed above, as well as Fiery-necked Nightjar (nigriscapularis), Black Spinetail, Bates’s Swift, Black-throated Coucal (neumanni), Red-chested Flufftail (elizabethae), African Goshawk (canescens), African Barred Owlet (castaneum), Shelley’s Eagle-Owl, Forest Wood Hoopoe (brunneiceps), Speckle-breasted Woodpecker, Grey-headed Broadbill (ESS eurylaemus), Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye (graueri), Jameson’s Wattle-eye, Fiery-breasted Bushshrike, Many-colored Bushshrike (batesi), Bocage’s Bushshrike (jacksoni), Red-eyed Puffback, Lühder’s Bushshrike, Purple-throated Cuckooshrike (martini), Eastern Wattled Cuckooshrike, Forest Penduline Tit (ESS ruthae), Red-tailed Bristlebill (woosnami), Little Grey Greenbul (ugandae), Toro Olive Greenbul, Square-tailed Saw-wing (ESS centralis), Black Saw-wing (chalybea), Chestnut-capped Flycatcher (congicus), Uganda Woodland Warbler, Banded Prinia (bairdii), White-chinned Prinia (reichenowi), Lowland Masked Apalis, Black-throated Apalis (minor), Black-capped Apalis (collaris), Olive-green Camaroptera (toroensis/ESS kamitugaensis), Black-faced Rufous Warbler (vulpinus), Turner’s Eremomela (kalindei), Green White-eye (toroensis), Pale-breasted Illadopsis (rufipennis), Capuchin Babbler (bohndorffi), Southern Hyliota (slatini), Black-eared Ground Thrush (graueri), Crossley’s Ground Thrush (ESS pilettei), Forest Scrub Robin (collsi), Brown-backed Scrub Robin, Brown-chested Alethe (carruthersi), Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat (bartteloti), Lowland Akalat (lopezi), Superb Sunbird (buvuma), Weyns’s Weaver, Black-headed Weaver (dimidiatus), Maxwell’s Black Weaver (holomelas), Preuss’s Weaver, Yellow-capped Weaver, Red-headed Malimbe (centralis), Red-bellied Malimbe (ESS fagani) and Red-headed Bluebill (ruficapilla)
Lendu Plateau, Rwenzori Mountains and Virunga Volcanoes (Virunga NP and Sarambwe NR), Masisi Highlands, Mitumba Mountains (Kahuzi-Biéga NP), Itombwe Massif (Itombwe NR and Burhinyi Community Forest), Misotshi-Kabogo Massif/Mount Kabobo (Kabobo Wildlife Reserve, Ngandja NR and Luama-Katanga Hunting Area) and Marungu Highlands for Prigogine’s Nightjar, Itombwe Owl, Yellow-crested Helmetshrike, Grauer’s Cuckooshrike, Prigogine’s Greenbul, Kabobo Apalis, Chapin’s Babbler and Prigogine’s Double-collared Sunbird among other Albertine Rift endemics listed above, including Albertine Owlet, Grauer’s Broadbill and Rockefeller’s Sunbird, as well as highland taxa including Red-winged Francolin (kikuyuensis), Common Quail (erlangeri), Scaly Spurfowl (schuetti), Montane Nightjar (ruwenzorii), Scarce Swift (chapini), Alpine Swift (maximus), Mottled Swift (aequatorialis), Black-billed Turaco (emini), Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo (montanus), African Olive Pigeon, White-naped Pigeon, Lemon Dove (jacksoni), Dusky Turtle Dove, African Snipe (aequatorialis), Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle, African Goshawk (sparsimfasciatus), Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk (rufiventris), Mountain Buzzard, Augur Buzzard, African Grass Owl, Abyssinian Owl (graueri), African Wood Owl (nigricantior), Speckled Mousebird (kiwuensis), Narina Trogon (narina), Bar-tailed Trogon, White-headed Wood Hoopoe (jacksoni), Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Eastern Yellow-billed Barbet (elgonensis), Grey-throated Barbet (cinereiceps), Western Tinkerbird (hildamariae), Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (mfumbiri), Least Honeyguide (pachyrhynchus), Fine-banded Woodpecker (taeniolaema), Olive Woodpecker (ruwenzori), African Broadbill (meinertzhageni), Chinspot Batis (puella), Lagden’s Bushshrike (centralis), Many-colored Bushshrike (graueri), Doherty’s Bushshrike, Brown-crowned Tchagra (emini), Pink-footed Puffback (nandensis), Northern Puffback (erwini), Grey Cuckooshrike (purus), Petit’s Cuckooshrike, Mountain Oriole, African Paradise Flycatcher (kivuensis), Mackinnon’s Shrike, Northern Fiscal (smithii), White-necked Raven, White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, White-bellied Crested Flycatcher (toroensis), White-tailed Crested Flycatcher (albonotata), White-winged Black Tit (insignis), Eastern Nicator, Black-collared Bulbul, Joyful Greenbul (laetissima/schoutedeni), Kakamega Greenbul (kakamegae), Kikuyu Mountain Greenbul, Cabanis’s Greenbul (sucosus), Yellow-streaked Greenbul (ESS graueri/olivaceogriseus), White-headed Saw-wing (albiceps), Black Saw-wing (ruwenzori), Banded Martin (suahelica), Red-throated Rock Martin (fusciventris), Blue Swallow, Angola Swallow, African Red-rumped Swallow (emini), White-browed Crombec (leucophrys/chloronota/ESS chapini), Brown Woodland Warbler (wilhelmi/alpinus), African Yellow Warbler (massaica), Mountain Yellow Warbler, Bamboo Warbler (alfredi/kungwensis), Evergreen Forest Warbler (barakae/ufipae), Cinnamon Bracken Warbler (cinnamomeus/mildbreadi/nyassae), Highland Rush Warbler, Chubb’s Cisticola (chubbi/ESS marungensis), Levaillant’s Cisticola (ESS dyleffi), Stout Cisticola (nuchalis), Wing-snapping Cisticola (entebbe/ESS itombwensis), Banded Prinia (obscura), Black-collared Apalis (pulcher/ESS murphyi), Black-throated Apalis (jacksoni), Chestnut-throated Apalis, Buff-throated Apalis (kigezi), Grey Apalis (cinerea), Brown-headed Apalis (ESS dowsetti), Grey-backed Camaroptera (aschani), African Hill Babbler (ansorgei), Rwenzori Hill Babbler, Brown Parisoma (jacksoni/ESS prigoginei), Green White-eye (stuhlmanni/ESS reichenowi), Mountain Illadopsis, Grey-chested Babbler, Red-winged Starling (morio), Slender-billed Starling (theresae), Waller’s Starling (elgonensis), Stuhlmann’s Starling, Sharpe’s Starling, Abyssinian Ground Thrush (piaggiae/tanganjicae), African Thrush (graueri), Abyssinian Thrush (baraka/bambusicola), Chapin’s Flycatcher (lendu/ESS itombwensis), White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher (toruensis/ESS semicinctus/nyikensis), African Dusky Flycatcher (pumila), White-starred Robin (ruwenzorii), White-bellied Robin-Chat (rufescentior), Cape Robin-Chat (kivuensis/iolaema), Grey-winged Robin-Chat (polioptera), Short-tailed Akalat (ESS kaboboensis + schoutedeni), Equatorial Akalat (aequatorialis), African Stonechat (axillaris), Collared Sunbird (garguensis), Green-headed Sunbird (viridisplendens), Olive Sunbird (ragazzii), Bronze Sunbird (kilimensis), Malachite Sunbird (cupreonitens), Scarlet-tufted Sunbird (dartmouthi/ESS itombwensis), Golden-winged Sunbird (ESS shellyae), Northern Double-collared Sunbird (reichenowi), Variable Sunbird (igneiventris), Thick-billed Weaver (montana), Baglafecht Weaver (stuhlmanni), Black-billed Weaver (stephanophorus), Village Weaver (graueri), Dark-backed Weaver (mentalis), Brown-capped Weaver, White-collared Oliveback, Yellow-bellied Waxbill (kilimensis), Abyssinian Crimsonwing (ruwenzori), Red-faced Crimsonwing (ocularis), Chestnut-breasted Nigrita (saturatior), Grey-headed Nigrita (schistaceus), Black-headed Waxbill (ESS marungensis), Kandt’s Waxbill (kandti), Common Waxbill (adesma), Dusky Twinspot (graueri), African Firefinch (congica), Cape Wagtail (wellsi), Mountain Wagtail (chapini), African Pipit (ESS itombwensis), Long-billed Pipit (dewittei), Oriole Finch (prigoginei), Western Citril, Brimstone Canary (sharpii), Thick-billed Seedeater (tanganjicae), Streaky Seedeater (graueri), Yellow-crowned Canary (sassii) and Cinnamon-breasted Bunting (tahapisi), also African Black Duck (leucostigma), Yellow-billed Duck (undulata) and Maccoa Duck
Upemba NP, Kundelungu NP, Lufira Biosphere Reserve, Lake Tshangalele, Mufufya Integral Hunting Reserve, Basse Kando Hunting Area and Reserve, Lubudi Sampwe and Bena Mulumbu Hunting Areas, Lake Mweru and Demalisques de Leshwe for Lufira Masked Weaver and Black-lored Waxbill, Black-tailed Cisticola, Katanga Masked Weaver (ESS upembae/katangae) and most of the other Zambezian endemics or near-endemics listed above, as well as Helmeted Guineafowl (marungensis), Coqui Francolin (coqui), White-throated Francolin (dewittei), Red-winged Francolin, Shelley’s Francolin (shelleyi), Blue Quail, Harlequin Quail (delegorguei), Hildebrandt’s Spurfowl (hildebrandti), Red-necked Spurfowl (cranchii), Fiery-necked Nightjar (shelleyi), Swamp Nightjar, Freckled Nightjar (granosus), Square-tailed Nightjar (welwitschii), Pennant-winged Nightjar, Böhm’s Spinetail (boehmi), African Palm Swift (myochrous), Horus Swift, White-rumped Swift, Grey Go-away-bird (molybdophanes), Schalow’s Turaco (marungensis), Denham’s Bustard (jacksoni), White-bellied Bustard (mackenziei), Black-bellied Bustard (melanogaster), Senegal Coucal (flecki), White-browed Coucal (loandae), Great Spotted Cuckoo, Jacobin Cuckoo (pica), Thick-billed Cuckoo (validus), Black Cuckoo (clamosus), Lesser Cuckoo, African Cuckoo, African Olive Pigeon, Lemon Dove (samaliyae), Mourning Collared Dove (ambigua), Ring-necked Dove (tropica), Laughing Dove (senegalensis), Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Namaqua Dove (capensis), African Green Pigeon (salvadorii), Red-chested Flufftail (rufa), Chestnut-headed Flufftail (lynesi), Streaky-breasted Flufftail, Grey Crowned Crane (gibbericeps), Common Buttonquail (lepurana), Black-rumped Buttonquail, Spotted Thick-knee (capensis), Crowned Lapwing (coronatus), Caspian Plover, African Snipe (angolensis), Bronze-winged Courser, Temminck’s Courser (ruvanensis), Hadada Ibis (brevirostris), Western Cattle Egret, Black-headed Heron, Black-winged Kite (caeruleus), African Harrier-Hawk (typus), African Cuckoo-Hawk (verreauxii), Hooded Vulture, White-backed Vulture, White-headed Vulture, Black-chested Snake Eagle, Brown Snake Eagle, Western Banded Snake Eagle, Bateleur, Martial Eagle, Long-crested Eagle, Wahlberg’s Eagle, Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle, Tawny Eagle (rapax), African Hawk-Eagle, Lizard Buzzard (meridionalis), Gabar Goshawk (aequatorius), Dark Chanting Goshawk (mechowi), Shikra (polyzonoides), Little Sparrowhawk (minullus), Ovambo Sparrowhawk, African Marsh Harrier, Yellow-billed Kite (parasitus), African Fish Eagle, Augur Buzzard, Pearl-spotted Owlet (licua), African Barred Owlet (ngamiense), African Scops Owl (senegalensis), Southern White-faced Owl, Marsh Owl (capensis), Spotted Eagle-Owl, Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl, African Wood Owl (woodfordii), Speckled Mousebird (congicus), Red-faced Mousebird (mossambicus), Narina Trogon (narina), Eurasian Hoopoe (africana), Green Wood Hoopoe (marwitzi), Common Scimitarbill (schalowi), Southern Ground Hornbill, Crowned Hornbill, African Grey Hornbill (epirhinus), Trumpeter Hornbill, Purple Roller (mosambicus), Lilac-breasted Roller (caudatus), Broad-billed Roller (suahelicus), Grey-headed Kingisher (pallidiventris), Brown-hooded Kingfisher (orientalis), Striped Kingfisher (chelicuti), Woodland Kingfisher (cyanoleuca), African Pygmy Kingfisher (natalensis), Half-collared Kingfisher (tephria), Giant Kingfisher (maxima), Swallow-tailed Bee-eater (furcatus), Little Bee-eater (meridionalis), Blue-breasted Bee-eater (bangweoloensis), White-fronted Bee-eater, Olive Bee-eater (superciliosus), Southern Carmine Bee-eater, Crested Barbet (suahelicus), Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (extoni), Black-collared Barbet (congicus), Green-backed Honeybird (zambesiae), Brown-backed Honeybird (regulus), Pallid Honeyguide (angolensis), Least Honeyguide (cerophagus), Lesser Honeyguide (teitensis), Scaly-throated Honeyguide, Greater Honeyguide, Bennett’s Woodpecker (bennetti), Golden-tailed Woodpecker (abingoni), Little Spotted Woodpecker (nyansae), Bearded Woodpecker (namaquus), Cardinal Woodpecker (centralis), Olive Woodpecker, Rock Kestrel, Grey Kestrel, Brown-necked Parrot (suahelicus), Meyer’s Parrot (matschiei), African Broadbill (albigularis), Chinspot Batis (palliditergum), Black-throated Wattle-eye (mentalis), Grey-headed Bushshrike (interpositus), Black-fronted Bushshrike (manningi), Orange-breasted Bushshrike (similis), Marsh Tchagra (anchietae), Brown-crowned Tchagra (souzae), Black-crowned Tchagra (armenus), Black-backed Puffback (hamatus), Tropical Boubou (major), Black-headed Gonolek, Brubru (nigritemporalis/brubru/affinis), White-crested Helmetshrike (poliocephalus), Retz’s Helmetshrike (nigricans), White-breasted Cuckooshrike, Black Cuckooshrike, Purple-throated Cuckooshrike (martini), Black-headed Oriole (angolensis), African Golden Oriole (notatus), Fork-tailed Drongo (apivorus), Square-tailed Drongo (saturnus), Sharpe’s Drongo (sharpei), Blue-mantled Crested Flycatcher (vivax), African Paradise Flycatcher (plumbeiceps), Northern Fiscal (humeralis/capelli), Cape Crow, White-winged Black Tit, Grey Penduline Tit (rhodesiae/winterbottomi), Spike-heeled Lark (obscurata), Dusky Lark (nigricans), Rufous-naped Lark (chapini), Flappet Lark (fischeri), Red-capped Lark (saturatior), Pale-throated Greenbul (flavigula), Yellow-bellied Greenbul (occidentalis), Little Greenbul (zombensis), Terrestrial Brownbul (rhodesiae), Grey-olive Greenbul (ESS cerviniventris), Cabanis’s Greenbul (cabanisi), Black Saw-wing (reichenowi), Grey-rumped Swallow, Banded Martin (suahelica/cincta), Pearl-breasted Swallow (marwitzi), Angola Swallow, White-throated Swallow, Wire-tailed Swallow (smithii), Greater Striped Swallow, Red-breasted Swallow (semirufa), Mosque Swallow (monteiri), Moustached Grass Warbler (mentalis), Long-billed Crombec (adelphe), Greater Swamp Warbler (ansorgei), Lesser Swamp Warbler (leptorhynchus/winterbottomi), African Yellow Warbler (major), Papyrus Yellow Warbler (bensoni), Fan-tailed Grassbird (alexinae), Little Rush Warbler (msiri), White-winged Swamp Warbler, Red-faced Cisticola (nyasa), Whistling Cisticola (modestus), Trilling Cisticola (lufira), Rattling Cisticola (fortis), Winding Cisticola (suahelicus), Levaillant’s Cisticola (shiwae/perpullus), Stout Cisticola (awemba/angolensis), Croaking Cisticola (katanga), Short-winged Cisticola (loanda), Neddicky (muelleri), Long-tailed Cisticola, Zitting Cisticola (terrestris), Pale-crowned Cisticola (cinnamomeus), Wing-snapping Cisticola (ayresii), Tawny-flanked Prinia (graueri/affinis), White-chinned Prinia (leucopogon), Yellow-breasted Apalis (neglecta), Brown-headed Apalis (alticola), Grey-backed Camaropera (intercalata), Yellow-bellied Eremomela (polioxantha), Green-capped Eremomela (pulchra), Southern Yellow White-eye (anderssoni), Spotted Thrush-Babbler (upembae), Arrow-marked Babbler (tanganjicae), Yellow-bellied Hyliota (barbozae), Southern Hyliota (inornata), African Spotted Creeper (salvadori), Wattled Starling, Greater Blue-eared Starling (sycobius), Splendid Starling (bailundensis), Violet-backed Starling (verreauxi), Red-billed Oxpecker, Spotted Ground Thrush (ESS lippensi), Orange Ground Thrush (otomitra), Groundscraper Thrush (stierlingi), African Thrush (stormsi), White-browed Scrub Robin (zambesiana), Pale Flycatcher (murinus), Grey Tit-Flycatcher (catoleuca), Southern Black Flycatcher (tropicalis), Swamp Flycatcher (ESS lualabae), African Dusky Flycatcher (subadusta), Brown-chested Alethe (ufipae), White-browed Robin-Chat (heuglini), Red-capped Robin-Chat (intensa), Grey-winged Robin-Chat, African Stonechat (stonei), Sooty Chat, Capped Wheatear (livingstonii), Familiar Chat (modesta/falkensteini), Western Violet-backed Sunbird (angolensis), Collared Sunbird (zambesiana), Olive Sunbird (ragazzii), Amethyst Sunbird (deminuta), Scarlet-chested Sunbird (gutturalis/saturatior), Purple-banded Sunbird (microrhynchus), Variable Sunbird (falkensteini), Copper Sunbird (chalceus), Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow (rufitergum), Thick-billed Weaver (ESS kasaica), Slender-billed Weaver (monacha), Spectacled Weaver (crocatus), Holub’s Golden Weaver, Lesser Masked Weaver (cabanisii), Village Weaver (nigriceps), Black-headed Weaver (duboisi), Dark-backed Weaver (kigomaensis), Red-headed Weaver (rubriceps), Red-headed Quelea, Yellow-crowned Bishop (taha), Southern Red Bishop, Yellow Bishop (crassirostris), Fan-tailed Widowbird (bocagei), Yellow-mantled Widowbird (macroura), Marsh Widowbird (hartlaubi), White-winged Widowbird (albonotatus), Red-collared Widowbird, Long-tailed Widowbird (delacouri), Bronze Mannikin (scutata), Black-and-white Mannikin (woltersi/nigriceps), Grey Waxbill, Fawn-breasted Waxbill (benguellensis), Common Waxbill (cavendishi), Quailfinch (fuscata), Locust Finch (locustella), Orange-breasted Waxbill (clarkei), Blue Waxbill (niassensis), Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu (katangae), Green-winged Pytilia (melba), Orange-winged Pytilia, Red-billed Firefinch (ruberrima), African Firefinch (congica), Jameson’s Firefinch (jamesoni), Village Indigobird (centralis), Purple Indigobird, Dusky Indigobird (nigerrima), Long-tailed Paradise Whydah, Cuckoo-finch (imberbis), Cape Wagtail (simplicissima), Mountain Wagtail (torrentium), Rosy-throated Longclaw, African Pipit (lichenya), Wood Pipit (nyassae), Buffy Pipit (chobiensis), Plain-backed Pipit (bohndorffi), Striped Pipit, Bushveld Pipit (mzimbaensis), Black-throated Canary (lwenarum), Yellow-fronted Canary (samaliyae), Brimstone Canary, Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, Golden-breasted Bunting (kalaharica) and Cabanis’s Bunting (cognominata), also waterbirds including Wattled Crane and Shoebill as well as White-faced Whistling Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, White-backed Duck (leuconotus), Spur-winged Goose (gambensis), Knob-billed Duck, Egyptian Goose, Blue-billed Teal, African Black Duck, Yellow-billed Duck, Red-billed Teal, Southern Pochard (brunnea), African Finfoot (petersii), African Rail, African Crake, Common Moorhen (meridionalis), Red-knobbed Coot, African Swamphen, Black Crake, Baillon’s Crake (intermedia), Striped Crake, Little Grebe (capensis), Great Crested Grebe (infuscatus), Water Thick-knee (vermiculatus), Black-winged Stilt, Three-banded Plover (tricollaris), Long-toed Lapwing (leucopterus), Blacksmith Lapwing, African Wattled Lapwing (lateralis), Kittlitz’s Plover, Greater Painted-snipe, Lesser Jacana, African Jacana, Whiskered Tern, White-winged Tern, Grey-headed Gull, African Openbill, Yellow-billed Stork, Saddle-billed Stork, African Woolly-necked Stork, Reed Cormorant (africanus), Great Cormorant (lucidus), African Sacred Ibis, Glossy Ibis, African Spoonbill, Dwarf Bittern, Little Bittern (payesii), Black Heron, Little Egret (garzetta), Striated Heron (atricapilla), Rufous-bellied Heron, Squacco Heron, Malagasy Pond Heron, Great Egret (melanorhynchos), Yellow-billed Egret, Grey Heron (cinerea), Purple Heron (purpurea), Goliath Heron, Hamerkop (umbretta), Great White Pelican and Pink-backed Pelican
Swa-Kibula Hunting Area and Reserve for Brazza’s Martin and Angola White-eye (kasaicus) as well as Böhm’s Spinetail, Black Scimitarbill (anchietae), Bateleur, Ovambo Sparrowhawk, African Grass Owl, Southern White-faced Owl, Striped Kingfisher, Swallow-tailed Bee-eater, White-fronted Bee-eater, Anchieta’s Barbet (katangae), Miombo Pied Barbet, Red-throated Wryneck (ruficollis), Golden-tailed Woodpecker (abingoni), Chinspot Batis (pintoi), Angola Batis, Gorgeous Bushshrike (viridis), Marsh Tchagra (anchietae), Brown-crowned Tchagra (souzae), Retz’s Helmetshrike, White-breasted Cuckooshrike, Black-backed Puffback, Northern Puffback (congicus), White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, Rufous-bellied Tit (rufiventris), Dusky Lark (occidentis), Plains Lark (malbranti), Black-collared Bulbul, Red-throated Cliff Swallow, Red-capped Crombec (rufigenis), Chirping Cisticola (congo), Yellow-bellied Eremomela (salvadorii ), Green-capped Eremomela (congensis), Black-necked Eremomela, Arrow-marked Babbler (hyposticta), Yellow-bellied Hyliota, Splendid Starling (bailundensis), Groundscraper Thrush, African Thrush (bocagei), Böhm’s Flycatcher, Arnot’s Chat (harterti), Western Violet-backed Sunbird, Amethyst Sunbird, Scarlet-chested Sunbird, Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow, Compact Weaver, Dark-backed Weaver (amaurocephalus), Brown Twinspot, Wood Pipit (schoutedeni), Streaky-headed Seedeater (benguellensis) and Cabanis’s Bunting
Kongo Central/Bas-Congo (Luki Biosphere Reserve, Mangroves Marine Park and Congo River Mouth, Kisantu Botanical Garden and Zongo Falls) for Pale-olive Greenbul, Bubbling Cisticola (septentrionalis) and Loango Weaver as well as Square-tailed Nightjar (fossii), Mottled Spinetail (sharpei), Horus Swift, White-rumped Swift, Grey Go-away-bird (pallidiceps), Yellow-billed Turaco (verreauxii), Guinea Turaco (zenkeri), Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Namaqua Dove, Spotted Thick-knee, Red-faced Mousebird (lacteifrons), Crowned Hornbill, Piping Hornbill (sharpii), White-bellied Kingfisher (leucogaster), White-fronted Bee-eater, Bristle-nosed Barbet, Naked-faced Barbet (congicus), Hairy-breasted Barbet (angolensis), Black-backed Barbet (minor/macclounii), Double-toothed Barbet (bidentatus), Cardinal Woodpecker (sharpii), Orange-breasted Bushshrike (similis), Pink-footed Puffback (angolensis), Red-eyed Puffback, Northern Puffback (congicus), Swamp Boubou (guttatus), Petit’s Cuckooshrike, Purple-throated Cuckooshrike (quiscalina), Sharpe’s Drongo, Northern Fiscal (capelli), Mackinnon’s Shrike, Rufous-vented Paradise Flycatcher, Bates’s Paradise Flycatcher (bannermani), Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark (damarensis), Yellow-lored Bristlebill, Red-tailed Greenbul (calurus), Black Saw-wing (petiti), Yellow Longbill (flavicans), Green Crombec (tando), Greater Swamp Warbler (rufescens), Banded Prinia (bairdii), White-chinned Prinia (leucopogon), Yellow-breasted Apalis (caniceps), Southern Yellow White-eye, Brown Illadopsis (fulvescens), Blackcap Illadopsis (batesi), Cape Starling, White-collared Starling, White-tailed Ant Thrush (poensis), Black-eared Ground Thrush (camaronensis), Fire-crested Alethe (castania), White-browed Scrub Robin (munda), Brown-chested Alethe (compsonota), Familiar Chat (angolensis), Fraser’s Sunbird (cameroonensis), Mangrove Sunbird, Green-headed Sunbird (cyanocephala), Purple-banded Sunbird (bifasciatus), Thick-billed Weaver (tandae), Yellow-mantled Weaver (tricolor), Spectacled Weaver, Compact Weaver, Preuss’s Weaver, Crested Malimbe (malimbicus), Red-billed Quelea (lathamii), Black Bishop (gierowii), White-winged Widowbird (asymmetrurus), Grey-headed Nigrita (angolensis), Green-winged Pytilia (melba), Brown Twinspot, African Firefinch (landanae) and Jameson’s Firefinch (ansorgei), also waterbirds and seabirds including White-faced Whistling Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, African Jacana, Little Tern, Damara Tern, Black Tern, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern, West African Crested Tern, Wilson’s Storm Petrel, African Darter, Cape Cormorant, Black Heron and Western Reef Heron
Bombo Lumene Hunting Area and Reserve for White-headed Robin-Chat and Black-chinned Weaver as well as Helmeted Guineafowl (galeatus), Finsch’s Francolin, Harlequin Quail, Red-necked Spurfowl (cranchii), Swamp Nightjar, Denham’s Bustard, Black-bellied Bustard, Blue-headed Coucal (occidentalis), African Cuckoo, Ring-necked Dove, African Crake, Common Buttonquail, African Wattled Lapwing, Black-headed Heron, Hamerkop, Black-winged Kite, Black-chested Snake Eagle, Bateleur, Long-crested Eagle, Dark Chanting Goshawk, Ovambo Sparrowhawk, African Marsh Harrier, Red-necked Buzzard, Southern White-faced Owl, Spotted Eagle-Owl, Black Scimitarbill, Lilac-breasted Roller, Brown-hooded Kingfisher (prentissgrayi), Striped Kingfisher, Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (extoni), Black-backed Barbet (minor), African Hobby, Western Black-headed Batis (congoensis), Angola Batis, Bocage’s Bushshrike (bocagei), Gorgeous Bushshrike (viridis), Marsh Tchagra (anchietae), Brown-crowned Tchagra (emini), Black-crowned Tchagra, Tropical Boubou, Brubru (nigritemporalis), Fork-tailed Drongo (apivorus), Northern Fiscal (capelli), White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, White-winged Black Tit, Rufous-bellied Tit, Grey Penduline Tit (ansorgei), Flappet Lark (schoutedeni), Banded Martin (parvula), Angola Swallow, Black-collared Bulbul, Moustached Grass Warbler, Whistling Cisticola (modestus), Rattling Cisticola, Croaking Cisticola (strangei), Short-winged Cisticola (brachypterus), Neddicky (dispar), Zitting Cisticola, Miombo Wren-Warbler (cinereus), Yellow-bellied Eremomela (salvadorii ), Green-capped Eremomela (congensis), Yellow-bellied Hyliota, Pale Flycatcher (murinus), Southern Black Flycatcher (poliogynus), African Stonechat (salax), Sooty Chat, Western Violet-backed Sunbird, Amethyst Sunbird (deminuta), Variable Sunbird (falkensteini), Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow (rufitergum), Holub’s Golden Weaver, Village Weaver (collaris), Dark-backed Weaver (tephronotus), Yellow-mantled Widowbird, Marsh Widowbird (humeralis), Red-collared Widowbird, Grey Waxbill, Yellow-throated Longclaw, Wood Pipit, Long-legged Pipit (pallidiventris), Short-tailed Pipit (leggei), Black-throated Canary (lwenarum), Yellow-fronted Canary (tando) and Cabanis’s Bunting (cognominata)
Kinshasa (Congo River, N’Sele Valley Park, Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary and Lake Ma Vallée) for Congo Martin and Bob-tailed Weaver as well as Western Plantain-eater, Guinea Turaco, Black Crake, Little Grebe, Three-banded Plover, Kittlitz’s Plover, African Openbill, African Darter (rufa), Reed Cormorant, Little Bittern, Black-crowned Night Heron (nycticorax), Little Egret, Western Cattle Egret, Great Egret, Purple Heron, Lizard Buzzard, Yellow-billed Kite, Speckled Mousebird (nigricollis), Eurasian Hoopoe (africana), Little Bee-eater (meridionalis), Blue-breasted Bee-eater (variegatus), African Grey Woodpecker (meridionalis), Common Kestrel (rufescens), Peregrine Falcon (minor), Red-headed Lovebird (pullarius), Brown-throated Wattle-eye (cyanea), Falkenstein’s Greenbul, Grey-rumped Swallow, Red-chested Swallow (subalaris), Winding Cisticola (amphilectus), Tawny-flanked Prinia (graueri), African Thrush (saturatus), White-browed Robin-Chat (subrufescens), Red-capped Robin-Chat (larischi), Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush, Carmelite Sunbird, Slender-billed Weaver (monacha), Black-headed Weaver (duboisi), Bronze Mannikin (cucullata), Fawn-breasted Waxbill (ruthae), Common Waxbill (rubriventris), Orange-breasted Waxbill (subflava), Blue Waxbill (angolensis) and Black-faced Canary
Mbandaka (Eala Botanical Garden), Ngiri Triangle and Tumba-Lediima NRs and Malebo area for African River Martin and Congo Sunbird as well as Red-necked Spurfowl, Thick-billed Cuckoo (brazzae), Chestnut-headed Flufftail (lugens), Black Scimitarbill, Striped Kingfisher, White-throated Bee-eater, Rosy Bee-eater, Sladen’s Barbet, Western Black-headed Batis (congoensis), White-winged Black Tit, Flappet Lark, Banded Martin, South African Cliff Swallow, Red-capped Crombec, Green Crombec (virens), Red-faced Cisticola (lepe), Whistling Cisticola, Pale-crowned Cisticola (midcongo), Wing-snapping Cisticola (gabun), White-chinned Prinia (leucopogon), Green-capped Eremomela, White-browed Scrub Robin, Sooty Chat, Grey-headed Sunbird, Orange-tufted Sunbird, Weyns’s Weaver, Fan-tailed Widowbird, White-winged Widowbird, Quailfinch (gabonensis), Locust Finch (uelensis) and Long-legged Pipit (esobe)
Ubangi (Abumonbazi NR) for Western Plantain-eater, Guinea Turaco, African Cuckoo-Hawk (cuculoides), Northern White-faced Owl, White-headed Wood Hoopoe (bollei), Blue-bellied Roller, White-headed Barbet (adamauae), Niam-niam Parrot, Sharpe’s Drongo, Red-capped Lark, Preuss’s Cliff Swallow, Greater Swamp Warbler (rufescens), Red-faced Cisticola (erythrops), Singing Cisticola (adamauae), Oriole Warbler, Black-faced Rufous Warbler (rufus), Blackcap Babbler (stictilaema), Swamp Flycatcher (aquatica), Thick-billed Weaver (saturata), Yellow-winged Pytilia, Bar-breasted Firefinch (rufopicta) and Cameroon Indigobird
Uele (Garamba NP, Azande, Mondo-Missa and Gangala na Bodio Hunting Areas and Bili-Uéré Protected Areas Complex) for Helmeted Guineafowl (meleagris), Stone Partridge (florentiae), Harlequin Quail, Heuglin’s Spurfowl, Swamp Nightjar, Plain Nightjar, Freckled Nightjar (tristigma), Long-tailed Nightjar (sclateri), Slender-tailed Nightjar, Standard-winged Nightjar, Pennant-winged Nightjar, Mottled Spinetail, Eastern Plantain-eater, White-crested Turaco, Denham’s Bustard (denhami), Great Spotted Cuckoo, African Cuckoo, Vinaceous Dove, Laughing Dove, Black-billed Wood Dove, Namaqua Dove, African Green Pigeon (uellensis), African Crake, Common Buttonquail, Senegal Thick-knee, African Wattled Lapwing (senegallus), Caspian Plover, Egyptian Plover, Dwarf Bittern, Black-crowned Night Heron, Western Cattle Egret, Black-headed Heron, Secretarybird, Black-winged Kite, Hooded Vulture, White-backed Vulture, Rüppell’s Vulture, White-headed Vulture, Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle, Wahlberg’s Eagle, Tawny Eagle (belisarius), African Hawk-Eagle, Lizard Buzzard (monogrammicus), Dark Chanting Goshawk (metabates), Shikra (sphenurus), Ovambo Sparrowhawk, Grasshopper Buzzard, Red-necked Buzzard, Pearl-spotted Owlet (perlatum), African Scops Owl, Greyish Eagle-Owl, Speckled Mousebird (leucophthalmus/jebelensis), Eurasian Hoopoe (waibeli), Green Wood Hoopoe (niloticus), Black Scimitarbill (emini), Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, African Grey Hornbill (nasutus), Abyssinian Roller, Grey-headed Kingfisher (leucocephala), African Pygmy Kingfisher (picta), Little Bee-eater (pusillus), Red-throated Bee-eater (frenatus), White-throated Bee-eater, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Vieillot’s Barbet (vieilloti), Black-billed Barbet, Black-breasted Barbet, Red-throated Wryneck (pulchricollis), Fine-spotted Woodpecker (balia), Golden-tailed Woodpecker (chrysura), African Grey Woodpecker (goertae), Brown-backed Woodpecker (obsoletus), Red-necked Falcon, Meyer’s Parrot (meyeri), Red-headed Lovebird (pullarius), Western Black-headed Batis (erlangeri), Brown-throated Wattle-eye (nyansae), Grey-headed Bushshrike (catharoxanthus), Orange-breasted Bushshrike (sulfureopectus), Marsh Tchagra (minuta), Brown-crowned Tchagra (emini), Black-crowned Tchagra, Northern Puffback (malzacii), Tropical Boubou, Brubru (camerunensis), White-crested Helmetshrike (concinnatus), White-breasted Cuckooshrike, Black Cuckooshrike, Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike, Fork-tailed Drongo (lugubris), African Paradise Flycatcher (ferreti), Yellow-billed Shrike (affinis), Northern Fiscal (smithii), Emin’s Shrike, Piapiac, White-shouldered Black Tit, Yellow Penduline Tit, Rufous-rumped Lark, Flappet Lark (tigrina), Sun Lark (bucolica), Black Saw-wing (mangbettorum), Brown-throated Martin (minor), Preuss’s Cliff Swallow, Northern Crombec (carnapi), African Yellow Warbler (batesi), Singing Cicticola (belli), Whistling Cisticola (antinorii), Rattling Cisticola (simplex), Croaking Cisticola (strangei), Short-winged Cisticola (hypoxanthus), Black-backed Cisticola, Tawny-flanked Prinia (melanorhyncha), Red-winged Prinia (jodoptera), Red-winged Grey Warbler, Yellow-breasted Apalis, Grey-backed Camaroptera (abessinica), Green-backed Eremomela (canescens), Northern Yellow White-eye (senegalensis), Spotted Thrush-Babbler (turdina), Puvel’s Illadopsis (strenuipes), Brown Babbler (cinerea), Dusky Babbler, Yellow-bellied Hyliota (flavigaster), African Spotted Creeper (emini), Lesser Blue-eared Starling, Bronze-tailed Starling (emini), Purple Starling (amethystinus), Violet-backed Starling (leucogaster), White-collared Starling, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, Pale Flycatcher (pallidus/parvus), Northern Black Flycatcher (lugubris), Gambaga Flycatcher, Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat (niveicapilla), Sooty Chat, White-fronted Black Chat (clericalis), Western Violet-backed Sunbird (longuemarei/haussarum), Pygmy Sunbird, Scarlet-chested Sunbird (acik), Beautiful Sunbird, Orange-tufted Sunbird, Palestine Sunbird (decorsei), Splendid Sunbird, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver, Little Weaver, Heuglin’s Masked Weaver, Northern Masked Weaver, Vitelline Masked Weaver, Black-headed Weaver (duboisi), Compact Weaver, Red-headed Weaver (leuconotos), Cardinal Quelea, Red-headed Quelea, Black Bishop (ansorgei), Northern Red Bishop, Yellow-mantled Widowbird, Grey-headed Oliveback, Common Waxbill (occidentalis), Fawn-breasted Waxbill (paludicola), Locust Finch (uelensis), Orange-breasted Waxbill (subflava), Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu (bengalus), Red-winged Pytilia (emini), Dybowski’s Twinspot, Brown Twinspot, Black-bellied Firefinch, Bar-breasted Firefinch (lateritia), Black-faced Firefinch (nigricollis), Jambandu Indigobird, Wilson’s Indigobird, Exclamatory Paradise Whydah, Cuckoo-finch (butleri), Yellow-fronted Canary (barbata), West African Seedeater (elgonensis), Brown-rumped Bunting (affinis) and Cabanis’s Bunting (cabanisi)
Lake Albert, Niarembe Escarpment and Ishwa Plain for Crested Francolin (grantii), Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Purple Roller (naevius), Swallow-tailed Bee-eater (heuglini), Little Bee-eater (ocularis), Spot-flanked Barbet (lacrymosa), White-headed Barbet (leucocephalus), Fox Kestrel, Lanner Falcon (biarmicus), Red-throated Rock Martin, Greater Swamp Warbler (ansorgei), Rock-loving Cisticola (petrophilus), Foxy Cisticola, Spotted Palm Thrush, Mocking Cliff Chat (subrufipennis), Baglafecht Weaver (eremobius), Black-rumped Waxbill, White-rumped Seedeater (riggenbachi) and Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
Lake Edward, Rwindi-Rutshuru Plain, Lake Kivu and Tchegera Island (Virunga NP and Rutshuru Hunting Area) for Harlequin Quail, Square-tailed Nightjar, African Palm Swift (myochrous), African Black Swift (roehli), Horus Swift, White-rumped Swift, Bare-faced Go-away-bird (leopoldi), Eastern Plantain-eater, Black-bellied Bustard, Blue-headed Coucal (fischeri), White-browed Coucal, Madagascar Cuckoo, Speckled Pigeon (guinea), Mourning Collared Dove (logonensis), Ring-necked Dove, Laughing Dove, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Grey Crowned Crane, Spotted Thick-knee (maculosus), Crowned Lapwing, Temminck’s Courser, Marabou Stork, Hadada Ibis (nilotica), Western Cattle Egret, Black-headed Heron, Black-winged Kite, African Harrier-Hawk (typus), Lappet-faced Vulture, Brown Snake Eagle, Western Banded Snake Eagle, Bateleur, Martial Eagle, Long-crested Eagle, African Marsh Harrier, Yellow-billed Kite, African Fish Eagle, Southern White-faced Owl, Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl, Blue-naped Mousebird (griseogularis), Eurasian Hoopoe (africana), Common Scimitarbill, Crowned Hornbill, Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill (subquadratus), Broad-billed Roller (suahelicus), Woodland Kingfisher (senegalensis), Striped Kingfisher, Giant Kingfisher (maxima), Little Bee-eater (meridionalis), White-throated Bee-eater, Olive Bee-eater, Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (chrysoconus), Spot-flanked Barbet (radcliffei), Double-toothed Barbet (aequatorialis), Lesser Honeyguide (riggenbachi), Scaly-throated Honeyguide, Greater Honeyguide, Red-throated Wryneck (ruficollis), Nubian Woodpecker (nubica), Little Spotted Woodpecker (nyansae), Cardinal Woodpecker (lepidus), Common Kestrel, Grey Kestrel, African Hobby, Meyer’s Parrot (saturatus), Red-headed Lovebird (ugandae), Brown-throated Wattle-eye (nyansae), Orange-breasted Bushshrike (similis), Marsh Tchagra (minuta), Black-crowned Tchagra, Tropical Boubou, Papyrus Gonolek, Black-headed Gonolek, Brubru (massaicus), Black Cuckooshrike, Black-headed Oriole (rolleti), Fork-tailed Drongo (fugax), Grey-backed Fiscal (excubitoroides), Grey Penduline Tit (roccatii), Rufous-naped Lark (ruwenzoria), Flappet Lark (kawirondensis), White-tailed Lark, Red-capped Lark, Pale-throated Greenbul (flavigula), Grey-rumped Swallow, Brown-throated Martin (ducis), Wire-tailed Swallow, Moustached Grass Warbler (amauroura), Red-faced Crombec (loringi), Lesser Swamp Warbler (jacksoni), Papyrus Yellow Warbler (gracilirostris), Fan-tailed Grassbird, White-winged Swamp Warbler, Red-faced Cisticola (sylvia), Trilling Cisticola (woosnami), Winding Cisticola (nyansae), Carruthers’s Cisticola, Short-winged Cisticola (ankole), Zitting Cisticola (uropygialis), Tawny-flanked Prinia (graueri), Buff-bellied Warbler, Grey-capped Warbler, Arrow-marked Babbler (emini), Black-lored Babbler, Wattled Starling, Greater Blue-eared Starling (cyaniventris), Rüppell’s Starling, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, African Thrush (centralis), White-browed Scrub Robin (zambesiana), Swamp Flycatcher (infulata), White-browed Robin-Chat (heuglini), Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat (melanonota), Sooty Chat, Ruaha Chat, Scarlet-chested Sunbird (lamperti), Marico Sunbird (suahelicus), Red-chested Sunbird, Thick-billed Weaver (melanota), Slender-billed Weaver (pelzelni), Spectacled Weaver, Holub’s Golden Weaver, Northern Brown-throated Weaver, Lesser Masked Weaver (intermedius), Black-headed Weaver (fischeri), Red-billed Quelea (aethiopica), Southern Red Bishop, Yellow Bishop (crassirostris), Fan-tailed Widowbird (phoeniceus), White-winged Widowbird (eques), Red-collared Widowbird, Bronze Mannikin (cucullata), Fawn-breasted Waxbill (roseicrissa), Crimson-rumped Waxbill (centralis), Quailfinch (dorsostriata), Green-winged Pytilia (belli), Red-billed Firefinch (ruberrima), Village Indigobird (centralis), Yellow-throated Longclaw, Plain-backed Pipit (zenkeri), Short-tailed Pipit, Papyrus Canary, Black-throated Canary (somereni) and Golden-breasted Bunting, also waterbirds including White-faced Whistling Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, White-backed Duck, Spur-winged Goose, Knob-billed Duck, Egyptian Goose, Blue-billed Teal, Red-billed Teal, Southern Pochard, Common Moorhen, Red-knobbed Coot, African Swamphen, Black Crake, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo, Water Thick-knee, Black-winged Stilt, Pied Avocet, Three-banded Plover, Long-toed Lapwing (crassirostris), Spur-winged Lapwing, Kittlitz’s Plover, Greater Painted-snipe, Lesser Jacana, African Jacana, Little Tern, Gull-billed Tern, Whiskered Tern, White-winged Tern, Grey-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull (fuscus), African Openbill, Yellow-billed Stork, Saddle-billed Stork, African Woolly-necked Stork, African Darter, Reed Cormorant, Great Cormorant (lucidus), African Sacred Ibis, Glossy Ibis, African Spoonbill, Little Egret, Striated Heron, Squacco Heron, Malagasy Pond Heron, Great Egret, Yellow-billed Egret, Grey Heron, Goliath Heron, Hamerkop, Great White Pelican and Pink-backed Pelican
Ruzizi Plain and Delta for Red-necked Spurfowl (harterti), Lilac-breasted Roller, White-fronted Bee-eater, Southern Carmine Bee-eater, Black-collared Barbet (pumilio), Grey-backed Fiscal (boehmi), Fischer’s Sparrow-Lark, Hartlaub’s Babbler, Collared Palm Thrush and Long-tailed Paradise Whydah
Also Maika-Penge, Rubi-Télé, Oshwe, Mangai and Gungu Hunting Areas, Bushimaie Hunting Area and Reserve, Alunda and Tutshokwe and Tshikamba Integral Hunting Reserves and Luama-Kivu Hunting Area and Reserve
TIMING (Jul–Sep)
In moister, northern areas it is best to travel when it is dry and most forest birds breed (Jun–Aug), whereas in the south it is best immediately before the rains (Aug–Sep)
Avoid the main rains, which fall Mar–Apr and Oct–Nov in the north and Dec–Feb in the south
Field guides
Birds of Africa South of the Sahara by Ian Sinclair & Peter Ryan (2010)
Birds of Western Africa by Nik Borrow & Ron Demey (2014) is better for most species
African Bird Sounds Vol 2: West and Central Africa by Claude Chappuis
Site guides
Birding at the Okapi Wildlife Reserve by Marco Sacchi (1997)
Further reading
Avifauna chapter by Sam Jones & Gabriel Jamie in The Salonga NP Expedition: a Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in the Largest Forest Reserve in Africa, DRC by Merlijn Jocque, Gabriel Jamie, Sam Jones, Menard Mbende, Dieux Merci Mpongo Iyomi, Jan Mertens, Miguel Nunes, Brogan Pett & Michiel van Noppen (2023)
Avifauna chapter by Gabriel Jamie & Sam Jones in The Malebo Expedition: a Biological Assessment of a Forest Metacommunity in a Savannah Matrix Landscape, DRC by Merlijn Jocqué, Junior Booto, Justin Ekani, Jesse Erens, Gabriel Jamie, Sam Jones, Menard Mbende, Tom Martin, Tim van Berkel & Niklas Weber (2022)
Birds of Katanga/Oiseaux du Katanga by Michel Louette & Michel Hasson (2011)
Democratic Republic of Congo: a Bird Checklist by Tommy Pedersen (2010)
Democratic Republic of Congo by Ron Demey & Michel Louette in Important Bird Areas in Africa and Associated Islands: Priority Sites for Conservation edited by Lincoln D C Fishpool & Michael I Evans (2001)
Les Oiseaux d’Afrique Centrale: Liste Faunistique by Patrice Christy & Jean Pierre Vande weghe (1999)
Avifauna of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, Ituri Forest/Haut Zaïre: an Annotated Checklist by Marco Sacchi (1997)
Parc National de la Garamba: Checklist of Birds by Kes Hillman-Smith (1994)
Les Oiseaux du Zaïre by Leon Lippens & Henri Wille (1976)
The Avifauna of the Marungu Highlands/L’avifaune des Monts Marungu by Robert Dowsett & Alexandre Prigogine (1974)
Articles in Malimbus, Bull. ABC, Afropavo (Democratic Republic of Congo Birding Association), etc.
UNESCO World Heritage List: Garamba National Park, Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Okapi Wildlife Reserve, Salonga National Park and Virunga National Park
Katanga Birding by Andrew Hester (2009)
Facebook groups
Birding the Democratic Republic of Congo
There is currently no BirdLife Partner in the DRC
Bird or conservation organisations active in the DRC include –
Amicale Congolaise pour la Conservation des Oiseaux et Leurs Habitats
Alliance Congolaise des Organisations de Conservation des Oiseaux (ACOCO)
Coalition pour la Conservation au Congo (CoCoCongo)
Organisation Congolaise des Ecologistes et Amis de la Nature (OCEAN-RDC)
Front Commun pour la Protection de l’Environnement et des Espaces Protégés (FCPEEP)
Réseau pour la Conservation et la Réhabilitation des Écosystèmes Forestiers (Réseau CREF)
Centre d’Appui à la Gestion Durable des Forêts Tropicales (CAGDFT)
Forêt pour le Développement Intégral (FODI)
Congo Basin Conservation Society (CBCS)
Organisation of Biodiversity Information and Conservation in Congo-Kinshasa (OBICOK)
Horizon Nature
Biodiversité au Katanga (BAK)
Groupe d’Appui à la Conservation des Ecosystèmes de Basankusu et Bolomba (GACEBB)
Itombwe Génération pour l’Humanité (IGH)
Réseau des Associations pour la Conservation Communautaire du Massif d’Itombwe (RACCOMI)
Voix de la Nature (VONA)
Solidarité pour la Promotion Rurale (SOPR)
Action Communautaire de Développement et d’Encadrement Social (ACODES)
Fondation Bombo Lumene
M’bou Mon Tour (MMT)
Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO)
Conserv Congo
Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)
Protection de la Faune et de la Flore Endémiques d’Afrique Central (PROFFAC)
WCS DR Congo
Fauna & Flora International (FFI)
African Parks: Garamba National Park
Virunga Foundation
Forgotten Parks Foundation: Upemba National Park
Lukuru Foundation and Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS): Lomami National Park
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund: Nkuba Conservation Area
Field Museum
Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) is the public institution in overall charge of conserving and preserving the DRC’s exceptional natural heritage, in cooperation with local communities and other partners
The ICCN Office in Bukavu oversees the operation of Kahuzi-Biéga NP and also has jurisdiction over the Itombwe Massif
Ornithological research is carried out at Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité (CSB) of the University of Kisangani
Research staff at Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN), Lwiro, study the biological diversity of the southern Albertine Rift