The African Bird Club (ABC) puts on talks by invited speakers for ABC members on topics related to African ornithology and conservation. Below are videos of some of these talks, and others by or about African ornithologists, birders and conservationists, which you can watch on any device. ABC will add more videos to this collection over time.
A price on their heads – commercial hunting, African hornbills and international trade (International Bird Conservation Partnership)
Birding in Uganda (Veronica Nakafeero)
Avian Odyssey 2024 at the Natural History Museum, London
Birds of Africa App (ABC & Washington Wachira)
ABC AGM 2023
The Ethno-ornithology World Atlas: Affirming Local Voices in Conservation (Prof Andrew Gosler & EWA)
All About Lovebirds: Top 6 Facts (Sascha Düker & WPT)
The African Live Bird Trade (Dr Rowan Martin & LCA)
30 Years of Birding and Conservation Work in East Africa’s Forests (Thomas Lehmberg)
Conservation d’une Zone Humide au Sahel (le Delta Intérieur du Khor Abou Habil): l’Expérience Soudanaise (AEWA)
Intra-African Migration: a Look at the Woodland Kingfisher (Dr Dayo Osinubi & Learn-the-Birds)
Sweet as Honey: Beekeeping Saves Cranes in Kenya (ICF)
Saving the Cranes, Uganda’s Endangered National Symbol (BBC News)
Why Do Afrotropical Birds Breed When They Do? (Dr Chima Nwaogu)
20 Years of Capacity Building for Ornithology and Conservation Science in West Africa (Dr Sam Ivande)
Collaborating to Conserve Migratory Birds in Africa (Alex Ngari, Louisa Kabobah, Paul Gacheru, Jacques Trouvilliez, ACBA & BLI)
Birding and Bird Conservation in Angola (Michael Mills)
The Spotted Ground Thrush in Malawi (Moses Samalani, Mathias D’haen & BINCO)
Why We Atlas: the Nigerian Bird Atlas Story (Nanchin Kazeh & BDI)
Changes in Timing of Passerine Migration: an African Perspective (Kieran Lawrence & Durham University)
Bird Ringing (Richard Kipngeno & Nature Kenya)
Saving Cranes with Crane Conservation Volunteers at Lake Ol’ Bolossat, Kenya (George Ndung’u & Earth Optimism Nairobi)
Conserving Shoebills and Their Habitat in Mabamba Bay Wetland, Uganda (Judith Mirembe & Earth Optimism Nairobi)
Enjoying Nature with Birds (Titus Imboma & Earth Opimism Nairobi)
Birdwatching in Nigeria: Connecting People with Nature (NiBAP)
Birds of Africa App (ABC & Dr Sam Ivande)
Mimicry in the Parasitic Finches of Africa (Dr Gabriel Jamie & BLSA)
The Avifauna of Kenya and Kenya Bird Map (Sidney Shema & BDI)
A New Generation of African Birders: Overcoming Obstacles and Pursuing Careers (John Kinghorn)
Ulf in Africa (Dr Ulf Ottosson & BDI)
Kartong Bird Observatory (Dembo Jatta, Oliver Fox & BDI)
Migrant Birds in the Sahara (Dr Marc Herremans & BDI)
The Liberian Bird Atlas (Clara Cassell-Jud & BDI)
Bird Conservation in Africa: Progress or Pretence? (Dr Nigel Collar)
A Feathered Rainbow: the Science Behind Colour in African Birds (Dr Stephen Pringle)
The Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (Dr Yakhat Barshep)
African Raptors: Addressing Some Regular Recurring Identification Problems (Dick Forsman)
Turning the Tide for Taita Apalis (Sarah Havery)
Endemic Birds in the Horn of Africa (Nigel Redman)
Waterbird Monitoring in Africa: the Chad Experience/Suivi des Oiseaux d’Eau en Afrique : l’Expérience Tchadienne (AEWA)
The Parrot Guardians of Angola (WPT)
White-headed Robin-Chat: World’s First Documented Nest Protected by Local Community in Angola (Eco Planet Films)
Interview with Dr Dale Zimmerman (Dr Dino Martins & Mpala Live)
Songs for Migratory Birds from the African-Eurasian Flyway (BLI)
Waterbird Conservation and Monitoring in Africa: Three Wildlife Colleges Join Forces (AEWA)
The Search for the Liberian Greenbul: Lost and Found? (Dr Lincoln Fishpool)
Rapid Land Redistribution in Zimbabwe: How Have the Birds Fared? (Dr Stephen Pringle)
Developing Capacity for Bird and Biodiversity Conservation in Africa: Theory and Practice (Dr Hazell Shokellu Thompson)
Every Little Helps: How Small Projects Contribute to African Bird Conservation (Dr Chris Magin)
Ornithology in Africa: Current Status and Future Prospects (Dr Colin Beale)
Safeguarding the Cranes and Wetlands of Africa (Dr Richard Beilfuss)
The Bringers of Thunder: the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project (Wild Dog Productions)
For the Love of Birds TED Talk (Washington Wachira)
Saving Africa’s Vultures (Tasso Leventis)
APLORI 14 Years On (Dr Shiiwua Manu)
European Turtle-Dove Conservation Across the Flyway (Niki Williamson & Simon Tonkin)
Finding the Endemic Birds of São Tomé and Príncipe (Keith Betton)
Nature Kenya’s Wednesday Morning Bird Walk (NTV Wild)
Picathartes (Sir David Attenborough & BBC Earth)
How Honeyguides Talk to People (Dr Claire Spottiswoode & BBSRC)
Suivi des Oiseaux d’Eau en Afrique du Nord pour la Conservation des Zones Humides (Tour du Valat)
Lesser-visited Parts of the Albertine Rift (Matthew Boyer)
Saving the Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher (Dr Jim Groombridge)
Conservation, Ecology and Genetics of the Cape Verde Warbler (Helena Batalha)
The African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (Dr Samuel Temidayo Osinubi)
Tracking Africa’s Birds Around the World (Dr Andy Clements)
Celebrating 20 Years of the African Bird Club (Martin Woodcock)
The State of Birds in Africa: Outlook for Our Changing Environment (Dr Achilles Byaruhanga)
Birds of the Malagasy Region (Dr Roger Safford)
Results from Four Decades of Intensive Ringing at Ngulia Lodge, Kenya (Dr David Pearson)
Lessons from 20 Years of Fieldwork on Ascension Island (Dr Jim Reynolds)
A BBC Correspondent and Birder at Large in Africa (Frank Gardner)
Animation Nature (GEPOMAY)
Some Birds of Uganda (Thomas Lehmberg)
The Liben Lark (Dr Paul Donald)
Birds and Birding in Rwanda (Dr Jason Anderson)
Lesser Crested Terns in Libya (Dr Abdulmaula Hamza)
Continental Diversification in East African White-eyes (Dr Siobhan Cox)
The BTO Cuckoo Tracking Project (Dr Phil Atkinson)
Some of the videos in this collection appear courtesy of the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA), the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), BBC Earth and BBC News, the Biodiversity & Development Institute (BDI), Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), BirdLife International (BLI), BirdLife South Africa (BLSA), the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), Durham University, Earth Optimism Nairobi, Eco Planet Films, the Ethno-ornithological World Atlas (EWA), Groupe d’Études et de Protection des Oiseaux de Mayotte (GEPOMAY), the International Crane Foundation (ICF), Leadership for Conservation in Africa (LCA), Learn-the-Birds, Mpala Live, Nature Kenya, the Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NiBAP), NTV Wild, TED, Tour du Valat, Wild Dog Productions, and the World Parrot Trust (WPT).
We also thank the many other speakers who have over the years presented to ABC members, or delivered the ABC lecture at the British Birdwatching Fair.