ABC Bulletin 5.1 March 1998

Avifauna of the Brachylaena woodlands in the Usambara lowlands, Tanzania

Norbert J. Cordeiro and Mwangi Githiru
p 13-16

Additions to the avifauna of Socotra and Abd Al-Kuri, with notes on the occurrence of some resident and migrant species

Guy M. Kirwan
p 17-21

Seabirds off Senegal, West Africa

Tony Marr, Dick Newell and Richard Porter
p 22-29

Field observations of the Red-shouldered Vanga: a newly described Malagasy endemic

Frank Hawkins, Marc Rabenandrasana, Marie Clementine Virginie, Rabeony Orly Manese, Raoul Mulder, Emahalala Rayonné Ellis and Robert Ramariason
p 30-32

Mayotte Scops Owl, Otus rutilus mayottensis

Alan Lewis
p 33-34

Vocal and other peculiarities of Brown Nightjar, Caprimulgus binotatus

Françoise Dowsett-Lemaire and Robert J. Dowsett
p 35-38

Zombitse-Vohibasia: a new national park in south-west Madagascar

Simon H. Mustoe, David R. Capper, James C. Lowen, Jonathan D. Leadley and Domoina Rakotomalala
p 39-45

Mystery birds from Djibouti

Geoff and Hilary Welch
p 45-50

Birding in Tanji Bird Reserve and Bijol Island, The Gambia

Anne Nason
p 51-55

Little-known African Birds: Somali Starling, Onychognathus blythii, in south-central Ethiopia

Peter G. Ryan and Ian Sinclair
p 56-57

First record of European Bee-eater Merops apiaster in Madagascar

Rob Morris
p 58

Yellow-breasted Apalis, Apalis flavida: a new bird for Mali

Volker Salewski
p 59

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