Notes on the birds of Equatorial Guinea, including nine first country records
Jacob C. Cooper, Luke L. Powell and Jared D. Wolfe
p 152-163
Rare seabird sightings from a pelagic longline vessel off South Africa, July–September 2013
Dominic P. Rollinson
p 164-175
Kungwe Apalis Apalis [rufogularis] argentea: a summary
Michael S. L. Mills, Audrey Msimanga, Alain Reygel and Michel Louette
p 176-184
Use of sewage ponds by birds in Khartoum State, Sudan, and their influence on bird distribution in the region
Tom Jenner and Marwa Taha
p 185-198
Bird observations around Huye (Butare), southern Rwanda
Bruno Boedts
p 199-209
African Openbill breeding in Benin—the only colony known at present in West Africa
Robert J. Dowsett and Françoise Dowsett-Lemaire
p 210-211
Status of Black Stork Ciconia nigra in Lesotho
Grzegorz Kopij
p 212-214
First record of Eyebrowed Thrush for Senegal and sub-Saharan Africa
Rafael Benjumea and Blanca Pérez
p 215-216
First records of Chestnut Sparrow Passer eminibey for Chad
Tim Wacher and John Newby
p 217-218
Snowy Egret in Cape Town, South Africa—second record for continental Africa
Dominic P. Rollinson and Patrick L. Rollinson
p 219-222
Spectacled Warbler, a probable new breeding bird on Sal, Cape Verde Islands
Juan José Ramos
p 223-224
First record of Laughing Dove for the Cape Verde Islands
Rubén Barone and Juan José Bacallado
p 225-226
First record of Knob-billed Duck for St. Helena, South Atlantic
Robert Kleinjan and Nick D. Stevens
p 227-228
First record of Eurasian Golden Oriole for São Tomé Island, São Tomé and Príncipe
Mark van Boekel
p 229-230