ABC Bulletin 18.2 September 2011

The avifauna of Benin: additions and corrections

Dowsett, R.J. and Dowsett-Lemaire, F.
p 148-167

Notes on the structure and plumage of Beesley’s Lark Chersomanes [albofasciata] beesleyi

Donald, P.F and Collar, N.J.
p 168-173

The Endangered Braun’s Bushshrike Laniarius brauni: a summary

Mills, M.S.L., Melo, M., Borrow, N. and vaz Pinto, P.
p 174-181

Fourth report of the Seychelles Bird Records Committee

Skerrett, A., Betts, M., Bowler, J., Bullock, I., Fisher, D., Lucking, R. and Phillips, J.
p 182-192

Black-tailed Cisticola in eastern Angola: notes, first photographs and recordings

Mills, M.S.L., Melo, M. and Vaz, A.
p 193-198

Discovery of a wintering site of Demoiselle Cranes in Kafta-Sheraro National Park, Ethiopia

Gebremedhin, B. and Demeke, Y.
p 199-202

Largest-ever Red-headed Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps colony

Oschadleus, H.D. and van Stuyvenberg, D.
p 203-206

Status of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in south-west Madagascar

Gardner, C.J. and Jasper, L.D.
p 207-210

Sightings of Sooty Falcon Falco concolor in the far north of Cameroon

Buij, R.
p 211-215

An attack by a Hoopoe Upupa epops on a Guttural Toad Amietophrynus gutturalis

Norval, G. and Stevens, D.
p 215-216

First breeding record for Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus in Libya

Hering, J. and Fuchs, E.
p 218-220

First record of Greater Kestrel Falco rupicoloides for Niger and western Africa

Rabeil, T. and Wacher, T.
p 221-222

First records for Seychelles of Alpine Swift, Desert Wheatear and the genus Ficedula

Phillips, J. and V.
p 223-225

Photospot: Iago Sparrows Passer iagoensis in the mirror

Barone, R. and Delgado, G.
p 226-227

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