Search Results for: cameroon

République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) | Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

SUB-REGIONCentral Africa SIZE2,344,858 km² (2nd largest country in Africa and 11th largest in the world) BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityStrongly Afrotropical avifaunaApproximately 1,160 recorded species (1st longest bird list of any country in the ABC region and 10th longest globally) Endemics (E)Congo Peafowl | Congo Peacock (NT)Prigogine’s Nightjar | Itombwe Nightjar (EN)Itombwe Owl | Congo Bay […]

République du Congo | Republic of the Congo

SUB-REGIONCentral Africa SIZE342,000 km² BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityStrongly Afrotropical avifaunaApproximately 680 recorded species Birds best found in Congo but occurring more widely (BT)Bob-tailed Weaver Birds occurring in only two territories of the ABC region but not near-endemics or BT (1/2)Congo MartinOlive-backed Forest RobinCongo Sunbird Proposed new species or splits not yet accepted by IOCCranch’s SpurfowlVerreaux’s

تشاد | Tchad | Chad

SUB-REGIONSahel SIZE1,284,000 km² (5th largest country in Africa) BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityAfrotropical avifauna, but with many Afro-Palearctic migrantsApproximately 580 recorded species Birds best found in Chad but occurring more widely (BT)Nubian BustardRusty Bush LarkKordofan Sparrow Birds occurring in only two territories of the ABC region but not near-endemics (1/2)Chad Firefinch | Reichenow’s Firefinch Birds best

République Centrafricaine (RCA) | Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka | Central African Republic (CAR)

SUB-REGIONCentral Africa SIZE622,984 km² BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityStrongly Afrotropical avifaunaApproximately 750 recorded species Near-endemics (NE)Niam-niam Parrot Birds best found in two territories but occurring in more (B2)Schlegel’s Francolin Proposed splits not yet accepted by IOCBlack-shouldered NightjarWestern Black-billed TuracoNeumann’s CoucalRed-chested GoshawkCentral African HoopoeEastern Piping HornbillGrey-headed BarbetEastern Yellow-spotted BarbetStreaky-throated BarbetEast African PittaGlossy-backed DrongoDark-capped BulbulShari Saw-wingWestern Buff-throated ApalisTawny-breasted

Bénin | Benin

SUB-REGIONWest Africa SIZE112,622 km² BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityStrongly Afrotropical avifaunaApproximately 580 recorded species Birds best found in Benin but occurring more widelyAnambra Waxbill Proposed splits not yet accepted by IOCBlack-shouldered NightjarRed-chested GoshawkEtchécopar’s OwletCentral African HoopoeWestern Piping HornbillGlossy-backed DrongoWestern Square-tailed DrongoWest African SwallowYellow-bellied CrombecWestern Buff-throated ApalisBlack-crowned Capuchin BabblerAfrican Scrub RobinDahomey Forest RobinWhite-crowned Cliff ChatBlack-faced QuailfinchGrey Firefinch More


SUB-REGIONSouthern Africa SIZE1,246,700 km² including the exclave of Cabinda (7th largest country in Africa) BIRDS AND BIRDING SPECIESDiversityStrongly Afrotropical avifaunaApproximately 970 recorded species (5th longest bird list of any country in the ABC region) Endemics (E)Swierstra’s Spurfowl (EN)Grey-striped Spurfowl (LC)Red-crested Turaco (LC)Red-backed Mousebird (LC)White-fronted Wattle-eye (NT)Braun’s Bushshrike (EN)Gabela Bushshrike (EN)Gabela Helmetshrike | Angola Helmetshrike (EN)Angola

ABC Bulletin 14.1 March 2007

The number of species in the wattle-eye genus Dyaphorophyia Louette, M.p 18-23 Records of migrants and amendments to the status of exotics on Mauritius in 1989-93 Safford, R. and Basque, R.p 26-35 Birds of Lusenga Plain National Park, Zambia Leonard, Pp 38-44 Bird observations from Dabola Prefecture, Guinea Aversa, Tp 45-54 Observations of three little-known


The African Bird Club (ABC) has three apps: Birds of Africa – an identification guide which in time will cover all the birds and countries in Africa.The latest version of this app is available to download for free from the App Store or Google Play. Birds of Mauritius – a field guide app, released in

Country Representatives

The African Bird Club (ABC) coordinates a network of voluntary representatives in countries in Africa and elsewhere. ABC country representatives act as our eyes and ears on the ground and provide a local point of contact and channel of communication for ABC members in their country. They also play an important role locally in recruiting

Past Projects

Since our Conservation Fund was launched in 1996, the African Bird Club (ABC) has made grants totalling over £600,000 to support more than 300 projects in 50 countries and territories of the ABC region.Huge thanks go to all our generous donors, corporate sponsors and members, past and present, whose support has made this remarkable achievement

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