Diversity —
Mostly seabirds and vagrants
Approx. 60 sp. recorded on Tristan (T), 50 on Nightingale (N), 50 on Inaccessible (I) and 50 on Gough (G) Is.
Species —
Tristan Albatross (br)
Atlantic Petrel (br G)
Spectacled Petrel (br I)
Inaccessible Rail (I)
Gough Moorhen (G)
Tristan Thrush (T, I, N)
Inaccessible Bunting (I)
Nightingale Bunting (N)
Wilkins’s Bunting (N)
Gough Bunting (G)
Other taxa of interest:
Northern Rockhopper Penguin
Grey-backed Storm Petrel
White-faced Storm Petrel (marina)
White-bellied Storm Petrel
Black-bellied Storm Petrel
Sooty Albatross
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Broad-billed Prion
Kerguelen Petrel
Great-winged Petrel
Soft-plumaged Petrel
Grey Petrel
Great Shearwater
Subantarctic Shearwater
Common Diving Petrel (dacunhae)
Antarctic Tern (tristanensis)
Brown Skua (hamiltoni)
Habitats —
Shrublands or heathlands and coastal cliffs
Sites —
Tristan, Inaccessible, Nightingale and Gough Is.
Timing (Oct–Dec) —
Best in summer when it is warmer and most birds breed
Avoid winter (May–Aug)
Field Guides —
Field Guide to the Animals and Plants of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island edited by Peter Ryan (2007)
Further Reading —
Britain’s Treasure Islands: a Journey to the UK Overseas Territories by Stewart McPherson (2016)
See St Helena