Volume 26.2

Notable bird observations for Djibouti, including the first record of Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata

Evan R. Buechley, Andres de la Cruz Muñoza, Juan Ramirez Roman, Gabriel Caucala and Houssein Rayaleh
p 179-185

The taxonomy of certain Asio and Bubo owl species in Africa and Arabia

N. J. Collar and Peter Boesman
p 155-169

The Kori Bustard Ardeotis kori on the Liben Plain, Ethiopia

N. J. Collar
p 186-192

First record of Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis for the Cape Verde Islands, with a brief review of African and Macaronesian records

Paul F. Donald, Pedro Geraldes and Eduardo Garcia-del-Rey
p 222-229

The chick of the Locust Finch Paludipasser locustella

Gabriel A. Jamie, Luke McClean, Collins Moya and Claire N. Spottiswoode
p 198-201

The importance of the Sarite Plain ecosystem for Masked Lark Spizocorys personata in Ethiopia

Trevor Jenner
p 213-217

New and noteworthy bird records from Sudan, 2010–15

Tom Jenner
p 170-178

Richard’s Pipits Anthus richardi at Dakhla, Western Sahara, with a brief review of regional status and trans-Saharan migration

Samuel E. I. Jones, Leejiah J. Dorward and Erik M. Sandvig
p 193-197

A hybrid shrike Lanius in Senegal

Bram Piot and Gabriel Caucanas
p 202-205

An influx of Short-eared Owls Asio flammeus in West Africa in winter 2017/18

Bram Piot
p 206-212

The juvenile plumage of Masked Lark Spizocorys personata

Nigel Redman
p 218-221

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