Volume 25.1
Biometrics, moult and vocalisations of Cinnamon and Northern Masked Weavers in Sudan
Tom Jenner
p 31-44
Notes on breeding activity, nesting habitat and sex ratio in the Liben Lark
Nigel.J.Collar and Paul F. Donald
p 45-53
First records of Stilt Sandpiper and Sooty Tern for Cape Verde
Ernst Albegger
p 54-57
Noteworthy records for Senegal, including the first Freckled Nightjar
Jean-Francois Blanc et el
p 58-61
Brief remarks on the status, distribution and taxon of Nubian Nightjar in Ethiopia
Guy M.Kirwan
p 62-64
Noteworthy avifaunal records from Eritrea, including two species new for the country
Nigel Redman
p 65-69
First breeding record of Ahanta Francolin for Nigeria
Adewale G. Awoyemi et al .
p 70-71
First record of African Grass Owl for Gabon
David Hoddinott
p 72
First record of Pectoral Sandpiper for Mozambique
Gary Allport
p 72-74
Little-known Bird: Principe White-eye - a rare island endemic
Jens Hering et al
p 75-81
Photospot: First photographs of nests of Pemba Sunbird and Pemba White-eye
Jens and Heidi Hering
p 82-87