Volume 17.2
Further ornithological exploration of Namuli and Mabu Mountains
Dowsett-Lemaire, F.
p 159-177
The sweet option: the importance of Aloe marlothii for opportunistic avian nectarivores
Symes, C.
p 178-187
Investigating Lesser Flamingo movements and the potential connectivity among regional populations
Salewski, V., Childress, B. and Wilkelski, M.
p 188-197
Brief notes on the birds of Mount Inago, northern Mozambique
Fishpool, L.D.C. and Bayliss, J.
p 198-201
The Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris in Africa
Buchanan, G., Crockford, N. and Gretton, A.
p 202-206
Hybrid Eurasian Coot Fulica atra x Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus on Tenerife, Canary Islands
Rodrigiez, B., Curbelo, J. and Carrasco, N.
p 207-209
Rock Firefinch Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis in the Mandara Mountains, north-east Nigeria: a new subspecies?
Abalaka, J.I., Ottosson, U., Tende, T. and Larson, K.
p 210-211
A record of brood parasitism of Barratt's Warbler Bradypterus barratti by African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus
Mills, M.S.L.
p 212
First record of Streaky-breasted Flufftail Sarothrura boehmi for Benin
Merz, J. and Merz, S.
p 213-214
First records of Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres for Benin
Manners, G.R.
p 215
First record of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas for Central African Republic
Cassidy, R., Watkins, B. and Cassidy, T.
p 216-217
First record of Chilean Skua Catharacta chilensis for the African region
Ryan, P.G.
p 217-219
Photospot: Observations du Faucon concolor Falco concolor dans les environs d'Antananarivo, Madagascar
Boedts, B.
p 220-224
Photospot: A breeding island for Lesser Flamingos Phoeniconaias minor at Kamfers Dam, Kimberley, South Africa
Anderson, M.D. and Anderson, T.A.
p 225-228
Birding Rwanda - in search of Red-collared Babbler Kupeornis rufocinctus, Albertine Rift endemics and more
Cohen, C., Ryan, P.G., Claasen, M. and Ntoyinka, C.
p 229-238