Volume 14.1
The number of species in the wattle-eye genus Dyaphorophyia
Louette, M.
p 18-23
Records of migrants and amendments to the status of exotics on Mauritius in 1989-93
Safford, R. and Basque, R.
p 26-35
Birds of Lusenga Plain National Park, Zambia
Leonard, P
p 38-44
Bird observations from Dabola Prefecture, Guinea
Aversa, T
p 45-54
Observations of three little-known bird species in northern Angola
Sinclair, I., Camberlain, D., Chamberlain, M. and vaz Pinto, P
p 55-56
The western population of Short-clawed Lark Certhilauda chuana in South Africa revisited
Engelbrecht, D., Grosel, J. and Dippenaar, S
p 58-61
New breeding records of Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii in Seychelles
Skerrett, A. and Rocamora, G
p 62-67
First host species record for Yellow-throated Cuckoo Chrysococcyx flavigularis
Mills, M.S.L., Caddick, J., Coetzer, I., Hoff, R., Myers, D., Reynolds, D., Walton, A. and Walton, R.
p 68-69
A nest of Collared Apalis Apalis ruwenzori in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Kizungu, R.B., Bates, J.M. and Murhabale, B.
p 69-71
First records of Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina for The Gambia and Senegal
Barlow, C.R.
p 72-74
First record of Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana for Ghana
Lister, S.M.
p 75-76
First records of Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata for Angola
Mills, M.S.L. and Dowd, A.D.
p 77-78
First record of Bob-tailed Weaver Brachycope anomala for Angola
Sinclair, I.
p 78
Little-known African bird: The enigmatic Bates's Weaver Ploceus batesi
Demey, R.
p 79-80
Photospot: The endemic kestrels of the Cape Verde Islands
Winkel, E.
p 81-83
Birding Dja Biosphere Reserve, southern Cameroon
Williams, E.
p 84-91