ABC Bulletin 7.1 March 2000

Field identification of Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle Circaetus (gallicus) beaudouini

William S Clark
p 13-17

Rare birds in Morocco: report of the Moroccan Rare Birds Committee (1995-1997)

Patrick Bergier, Jacques Franchimont, Michel Thévenot and the Moroccan Rare Birds Committee
p 18-28

The Mauritius Cuckoo-Shrike Coracina typica: from egg to adult

Roger Safford
p 29-30

Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina

Jaime A Ramos
p 31-33

Recent observations of some bird species previously considered uncommon or rare in Ethiopia

S John Farnsworth, Richard F Coomber, Phil Jones, Steve C Madge, Richard Webb and Mike Witherick
p 34-46

New breeding records of African River Martin and Rosy Bee-eater in Conkouati Reserve, Republic of Congo

Fiona Maisels & Alick Cruickshank
p 48-49

Discoveries: First record of little Crake Porzana parva in The Gambia

Andreas Ranner, Graham Tebb and Markus Craig
p 51-52

Discovery: A possible new taxon of rock thrush Monticola sp. from the limestone karst region of western Madagascar

Carl G. Jones and Kirsty J. Swinnerton
p 52-53

An observation of Slender-billed Gull Larus genei in Uganda

Adriaan J. Dijksen and Gerard L. Ouweneel
p 55

Unidentified green turaco in Ethiopia

Detlef Robel
p 56

Waldrapp (Northern Bald Ibis) Geronticus eremita reintroduction workshop

Chris Bowden
p 56-57

Brief report on a pilot study on the effects of forest fragmentation

N. J. Cordeiro
p 57-58

African birds in traditional magico-medicinal use – a preliminary survey

Mark Cocker
p 60-65

New breeding records of the Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala in Cote d’lvoire

Volker Salewski and Silke Schmidt
p 67-68

Photospot: Helmet Vanga

Roger Safford
p 83

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