What is Pogoniulus makawai?
Collar N. J., Fishpool L. D. C.
p 18-27
White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi in Ethiopia
Allan, DS.G., McInnes, A.M. and Wondafrash, M.
p 28-36
Status of Shoebill Balaeniceps rex in Malagarasi, Tanzania.
Dinesen L., Baker M.
p 37-44
Sierra Leone Prinia Schistolais leontica in the Fouta Djalon of Guinea, its song, distribution and taxonomic status.
Barlow, C. R., Payne R. B., Payne L. L., Sorenson M. D.
p 45-48
First reliable sound recording of Golden Nightjar Caprimulgus eximius, in the rocky hills of central Mali.
Dowsett-Lemaire F. and Dowsett R. J.
p 49-55
Notes on the breeding biology of Plain Swift Apus unicolor on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.
García del Rey, E.
p 56-59
Some factors affecting Ring Ouzels wintering in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco
Ryall, C. and Briggs, K.
p 60-74
First record of Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus for Ethiopia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Schollaert V.
p 75
First record of Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus for The Gambia.
High J.
p 77-78
Première mention du Grand-duc du désert pour le Burkina Faso
Lesaffre, G. and Perré, Y.
p 78-79
First records of Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla for Mozambique.
Melo M., Covas R., Dijkstra K.-D.
p 80-81
First records of Mottled Swift Tachymarptis aequatorialis and Alpine Swift T. melba for Niger.
Christensen K. D., Tøttrup A. P. and Jensen F. P.
p 82-83
Première observation du Picatharte du Cameroun au Congo-Brazzaville
Mamonekene, V. and Bokandza-Paco, F.L.
p 84-85
First Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens sightings in Madagascar since 1960.
Mwema M., Razafindrajao F.
p 86-87
First record of Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta for Seychelles.
Eikenaar C. and Skerrett A.
p 88-90
Lake Bedo – a little-known wetland hotspot in Madagascar.
Young H. G., Razafindrajao F.
p 91-95