First-ever photographs of Sakalava Rail Amaurornis olivieri and first detailed observations since 1962
Robertson I.
p 18-21
Confusing antpeckers
Eyre, Dr .J. A.
p 24-26
Status of Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus and Beaudouin ‘s Snake Eagle C. beaudouini in The Gambia
Clark W.S., Barlow C.
p 27-29
New records of Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in Nigeria
McGregor R.
p 30-31
Further records from the remnant forests of Benin: White-tailed Ant Thrush Neocossyphus poensis and Bioko Batis Batis poensis
van den Akker, M. and Claffey, P. M.
p 32-33
First record of Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius for Cameroon and western Africa
Messemaker R.
p 34-35
Fischer ‘s Turaco Tauraco fischeri in Zanzibar: a survey re-assessing its conservation status
Ndang’ang’a K., et al.
p 36-41
Observations on nest building and courtship behaviour of the Madagascar Flufftail Sarothrura insularis
René de Roland L-A.
p 42-43
African Spoonbill Platalea alba breeding in Bahi Swamp, Tanzania
Dinesen L.
p 44-45
Notes on the reproduction of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in the Atlantic plains of semi-arid Morocco
Rihane A.,Bergier P., Mahari S.
p 46-50
Birding Cameroon, part 2. Southern Cameroon: forests, low to lofty
Mills M., Cohen C.
p 51-58
All The Birds of Africa
Fry C. H.,Urban E. K., Woodcock M.
p 59-66
List of Bird Recorders and Checklist Compilers
Betton K.
p 80-83