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African River Martin with nesting material - Adult
Lionel Sineux
Pointe Denis, Estuary of Libreville, Gabon
Country image taken
October, 2021
Bird Species
Pseudochelidon eurystomina - African River Martin
Bird Species (French)
Pseudolangrayen d'Afrique
Bird Family
Hirundinidae - Swallow, Martin
Bird Group
Passeriformes Flycatchers, Starlings, Sunbirds, Swallows, Warblers, Weavers etc
Bird Status
Data Deficient
Discovery of a breeding colony of African River Martins, approx. 250 birds, in the area of Libreville - 16 October 2021
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African River Martin
Pointe Denis, Estuary of Libreville, Gabon
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Pointe Denis, Estuary of Libreville, Gabon
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Pointe Denis, Estuary of Libreville, Gabon
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Pointe Denis, Estuary of Libreville, Gabon
African River Martin
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